Cycling ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
As long as you make a funny corpse then we are totally ON!!!!

omg necrophilia


Cheap is a figurative word. To me it's "cheaper" to BUY an RO/DI machine than it is to use my tap & add chems to it. Not inferior product per say....
Also "TOP OF THE LINE" is figurative. Every product want to be sold, so it is a matter of OPINION. Every year it changes. Every year a new product comes out. Buy something you know. That is easy to assemble. And quality!! You want something to last.
It's like cars. I am not a guinie pig. I wait 3 yrs for the sucks to buy the car & for the company to correct all the problems with it.
That is way boards are fun. Get many opinions & veiws. Also you get the scoop on flaws. Companies never advertise the problems....Only the owner can tell you the hinest true....


Active Member
Ok here are my test results
Nitrate No_2 is 0.25
NO_3 is 5.0
Ammonia is 0.25 (still needs to come down some I know should be at 0)
and Ph is 8.0 (should be at 8.2)
Again I have live rock and live sand in there as well.


Active Member
so back to the original question.
i am going to guess a week or two. and then the inverts first to clean the dirty stuff, then fish.


Active Member
ok I just looked up to see what a refugium is and No I don't have one of those.
Do you have a brand that you would recommend?


Active Member
I definitley have a lot of space in the 80 gallon stand. And what in in the heck does DIY mean!!!!!!


Active Member
I thought so but I wasn't sure. Thought it might be something more technical.
I put the 80 up by myself.
I had the 36 gallon done for me and I just watched so that I could learn what I needed to do.
As long as come with pretty clear instructions I will be ok.
Ok what is an IT?????
LOL I need some help with the abbv!!


Active Member
in that case i think you should get the largest refugium that you can fit under your stand.
since your tank is already in place so i am guessing it's not pre-drilled with an overflow. therefore you probably need an external hang-on-the-back overflow that takes water from your main tank down to your refugium.
for the refugium itself, it's basically a sump with sections. some buy pre-made refugiums to save the trouble (me), some build their own.
there are many posts about it in the equipment section.

darth tang

Active Member
IT as in the word it. Or the abreviation comes out as "do yourself"......which will cause Snail to have a stroke brought on by unforseen excitement. He can't handle much you know............


Active Member
I am 33 years young!!!
Proud of it too.
But if you would of asked was I proud on my 30th I probably would have pimp slapped them!