Damsel is picking on clown fish


Active Member
Ever since i got my maroon clown its been on near the top of the tank because of the electric blue damsel which attacks to soo much, it even got its fins shredded =(. I got an anomie for it to go to but the damsel wont even let it go near the bottom of the tank. Its sooo mean.... Its almost impossible for me to catch the damsel because its so fast plus i have a 25 gal hex which makes it even harder for me to catch. Any suggestions on what to do? Is there like a chemical i can add to make everyone happy =)
also, anyone know where i can buy used tank equipment and acrilic tanks online?


Active Member
youll prob have to catch him somehow, i had 3 damsels (elect blue, yellow tail, chromis) the elec blue was the the king of the tank , so when i was ready to add new fish i thought ill keep the 2 damsels and flush the elect blue, i added a kole tang and a clown goby and well the yellow tail beats the hell outa of the goby now, so i gota somehow get him outa my tank (40lbs of lr makes it hard too many plaves to hide)
so i would pull what u can outa the tank to make it easier to get him out, something that looks like im gonna have to do again


Active Member
Damsels are very mean and territorial, the reason why hes picking on your clown is probably because the clown is in his territory. The only thing you can do is remove the damsel. Try another way to catch him, I've always had good luck using a mason jar or a plastic see through conatainer, somthing thats harder for them to see.


How long has this been going? If it's only been awhile then leave it. Since clownfishes are basically still damsels then it's normal for them to get aggressive. Leave it, but if the harrassing continues then take the damsel out. Bait him with food, and when he's eating catch him. Or catch him at night. Fishes, when they are asleep are less aware of their environment. I can easily catch my clown when he's asleep. Good luck


Active Member
maybe i will give it a wait, will the clown's fins grow back? say if i wanted to move the rocks and stuff and drained the water, i just built my tank a month ago, will it affect the water in anyway? or should i add new water? how long does it take a tank to finish cycleing


New Member
Just a thought...Since most fish are territorial, and the damsels are very much so, what about rearranging the the tank to change the territory?


Active Member
i actually got a 15 gal hex... =( im saving up for a 36 or even a 50 gall tank, its impossible to make space for terrotory since there barely are some. Cant we all get along?

sinner's girl

"Is there a chemical I can add" well, you could add some 'xtc' to make everyone get along...but i'm not sure what it would do for the fishes health


Hi entice.......
I had a yellow damsel along with a perc. clown and a maroon clown. They were all very happy for about 7 weeks then all the sudden the yellow damsel started in on the marron clown and on my pulsing xenia. I had an aweful time trying to catch the the little bugger. I finally rented a trap from lfs. Problem was the perc. clown wouldn't let the yellow damsel near the bait. Was getting very frustrated and my 11 year old suggested to trap the perc. clown and put him in a container then go after the yellow damsel. The perc. clown when right in, moved him, reset the trap and within 20 seconds I had the yellow damsel. Now the story doesn't end there. Since the maroon clown had all but lost his tail, due to the yellow damsel and the perc. clown picking on him, he was still a target with the perc. clown. So, I also caught the perc. clown. Turned both into lfs.
I happy to report the maroon clown is back 100% No one else bothers him and my pulsing xenia grew back as well. Those damsels, wow what a menace!!!
I would suggest you look into a trap! Good Luck!!