damsel problem

hey i saw my two yellowtail damsel this morning and they both look beat up pretty bad pieces of thier fins missing and what not, im a little worried as to why they look like that, later on i notice that theyve been fighting quite often, what can i do to stop this?


Originally Posted by fitbmxdude989
hey i saw my two yellowtail damsel this morning and they both look beat up pretty bad pieces of thier fins missing and what not, im a little worried as to why they look like that, later on i notice that theyve been fighting quite often, what can i do to stop this?
Remove one......they will probably fight till the death
oh wow, so they wont redetermine territory? i was thinking about that since theyve been fighting over the new rock design cave


Damsels are the meanist fish in my opinion.... I have one blue with yellow tail in my 225G and it is fine....I would never add a 2nd...or ANY OTHER type of damsel.....I remember way back when....someone told me ONE yellow tail...no more


My 2 black 3 spot were always mating.....I think it depends on the size of tank and the type of damsel.. You have 3 of the yellow tails???
hey here is an update the damsels stopped fighting, they both are beat up good but they are ok, i found that they were fighting for territory and they stopped once the one took over


Active Member
As long as you have any damsels; they, not you, will decide what you can have in your tank. Very few folks buy damsels that don't regret it; how to get rid of damsels is one of the most common questions on this forum.