Damsel problems


Hello fellow aquarists, I just got this awesome little banggai cardinal last night and ever since I introduced it, my bluefin damsel kept chasing it around the tank. I left them alone last night and it's still continuing. The banggai has found places to hide but the damsel finds him and chases him more. I tried removing the damsel but can't catch him. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397822/damsel-problems#post_3547465
Hello fellow aquarists, I just got this awesome little banggai cardinal last night and ever since I introduced it, my bluefin damsel kept chasing it around the tank. I left them alone last night and it's still continuing. The banggai has found places to hide but the damsel finds him and chases him more. I tried removing the damsel but can't catch him. What should I do?
i believe someone on this forum speard their damsel because they are so good at hidding. something you could try is putting a mirror up to the tank and while they are distracted net it ot tear down the tank to get it.


Well-Known Member
You can trap either the damsel or the cardinal, or you can just give up on the cardinal, who probably won't survive this. To trap a frish take a look at this video.


Thx for the replies. For some reason the damsel stoped bothering the cardinal. The cardinal is now happily swimming around and is also eating.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397822/damsel-problems#post_3547502
Thx for the replies. For some reason the damsel stoped bothering the cardinal. The cardinal is now happily swimming around and is also eating.


Cardinals are shy fish, the damsel will kill it eventually, and just so you know...they are known for biting your hand drawing blood, they are very beautiful, aggressive little devil fish... As they mature they get really mean. You will either have to remove the damsel, or get only fish that are mean enough to stand up to it for tank mates.


Ok, thanks for the help. Till now have have seen no more aggression between the two. If the damsel attacks again I will remove it. I even have a fish holder that I just bought and may introduce the damsel later.


Well-Known Member
I have a yellow tail damsel in one of my tanks and it doesnt bother anything. Yellow tails are the least aggressive of the bunch tho.


I have a yellow tail and a bangaii in my 120 gal. and they ignore each other. the damsel is always at the top of the rocks and the cardinal near the bottom.


New Member
I have two yellow tails and a 4 chromis in my 55 gallon. At first the damsels would not leave them alone and I'm wondering what would be good to add to keep them in line. Was thinking clowns but still new and unsure about everything.


Well-Known Member
Nothing will keep damsels in line lol. There nasty little buggers. Now that said my dotty back chases my yellow tail lol but ideally u dont want any aggression


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397822/damsel-problems#post_3547613
I never knew cardinals are shy. On *********** it says they're semi-agressive so I thought it would be ok.
i wouldent listen to them they give bad info in my experience. and just an FYI you could get in troble if you say the name of another bisness on this site.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by trigger40 http:///t/397822/damsel-problems#post_3547617
i wouldent listen to them they give bad info in my experience. and just an FYI you could get in troble if you say the name of another bisness on this site.


I don't THINK you will get into trouble for using another name on the site...I know you can't post a link to another site. *********** does not give advice at all. They list the fish they sell, and give what is basically known about them.

Aggression in your tank isn't just the fish's tendency, you must take into account the amount of food, the size of the tank, the other tank mates, and the ability to hide and get away from each other.

  • Many people are so afraid of polluting their tank, that they hardly feed their fish...so the fish fight over food.
  • A small tank means less space to call their own...so they fight over territory.
    Some fish are just mean and can't get along with anything... fish need an escape route in the rocks to get away from the bigger more aggressive fish.



I don't THINK you will get into trouble for using another name on the site...I know you can't post a link to another site. *********** does not give advice at all. They list the fish they sell, and give what is basically known about them.
Aggression in your tank isn't just the fish's tendency, you must take into account the amount of food, the size of the tank, the other tank mates, and the ability to hide and get away from each other.
  • Many people are so afraid of polluting their tank, that they hardly feed their fish...so the fish fight over food.
  • A small tank means less space to call their own...so they fight over territory.Some fish are just mean and can't get along with anything... fish need an escape route in the rocks to get away from the bigger more aggressive fish.
Well my clowns used to be in a 5 gallon I turned into a planted and they hated it. I could tell they didn't like it so I bought them a 60 gallon and they seem to have plenty of room. The female clown attacks the damsel and the male clown and the damsel used to attack the cardinal but now I think they're ok. I think she attacks the male just over dominance, I hear all clown pairs do that. She only attacks the damsel once in a while, usually when it goes in their corner. My male clown attacks me when I put my hand in the tank and even jumped out in attempt to attack me! Lol


i wouldent listen to them they give bad info in my experience. and just an FYI you could get in troble if you say the name of another bisness on this site.
I don't think I would get in trouble because it was kindof an insult for having wrong info.


Well-Known Member
i just rememberd something i read when i joind about posting other sites and i always like to play things safe so thats why i said something. sorry for the wrong info.