damsel ?


none! lol jk contrary to popular belief a damsel IMHO is not the best fish to start with - they are very territorial and will be aggressive to future tankmate (good thing if you want an all aggressive tank though) IMHO clown / chromi are good starter.

bang guy

Originally Posted by miamishrip
IMHO clown / chromi are good starter.
Clownfish & Chromis are Damsels...

bang guy

Originally Posted by jerry all
how many damsels to start out with
in a new 125 gal. tank ?
Are you starting a Cycle Jerry? You don't need a live fish to cycle your tank.
Tell us about your system and perhaps we can get you started right. Are you going to use any live rock?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Clownfish & Chromis are Damsels...

true - however, they are not the aggressive types.

jerry all

New Member
I have a lot of rock and fake coral and I
added about 30 lbs of live rock to that. I have two
rena cannister filters and a sand substrate