Damsels fighting killing other fish?


:confused: I just added some new kind of damsel's that are blue on top, gold on the bottom or belly, and my old bowtie is swimming backwades on my new fish. Not sure what he is doing but every time I add new fish they come up missing or I can't find them. Like they disappear or something
about 46 lr
now 6 damsels
20-55g cleanup crew package about 60% left
SOme tell me what's going on?


All my levels are perfect, I tried to put a perculia clown in there and I have a 3 corals, my tank is about 6 months old now and it is doing real well.


Sorry I just added the 2 blue & gold this past friday they are doing well my ohters are on the other side of my tank.


damsels have been known to be aggeressive fish and especially when they get older. o have 3 damsels now but i plan on getting rid of them later on if they become aggresive


killa because of the obvious, they are perfect for cycling and the fish shop will pay me back when i return them and he also recommended damsels as cyclin fish


Active Member
*rolles eyes*
It isn't obvious and I don't mean to be critical or whatever but just trying to be blunt...
You DO NOT NEED damsels to cycle the tank. In fact, cycling the tank works so much better with frozen shrimp from the shop mart. So no, it isn't that obvious but in fact cruel that people still do it. I wish I knew this information before i cycled but it's so unbelivably cruel to put a fish through the cycling process when you don't have to. Tell me, don't some damsels die? It may not have happened to you but it has happened to someone else for doing what you wanted to do, i guarentee that. Thus, You are intentionally putting your fish at harm when you can use an alternative motive.
SECOND, why buy fish if you aren't going to keep them for their existence? It's like passing our your children, it's pointless. You buy a fish, it's yours unless for some reason you can't care for it. You don't pass your fish areound like they are little toys you want to trade fora nother. I'm sorry it just bothers me that people still use their fish as merchandise rather than family and friends. But you don't even have to see them as family and freinds but just as living and breathing creatures. IMO, it's a horrible thing to do.
Now said, i apologize if it came off meanly but it was not meant to be that way.


You are so emotional to your fish.
What happen if any of them pass away. Sit there and cry all day



Originally posted by killafins
I'm sorry it just bothers me that people still use their fish as merchandise rather than family and friends. But you don't even have to see them as family and freinds but just as living and breathing creatures. IMO, it's a horrible thing to do.
Now said, i apologize if it came off meanly but it was not meant to be that way.

I'm with you, Killafins. I am very new to aquariums, and in sort of an unusual situation to suddenly have a 250 Gal tank in my livingroom due to a TV remodeling show, as of 6 weeks ago. But I was surprised to see fish advertised online as "livestock." When I found out that of all but one of the fish I was suddenly responsible for had been swimming around in the ocean a couple weeks before--and now they are stuck in my tank--it made me feel like I owe it to them to do everything in my power to make their lives as comfortable and pleasant as possible. I'm even paying through through the nose to have a fish guy come by once a week so that I don't accidentally kill them before I know what I'm doing.


Active Member
tiencvu, I'm aware that was a very sarcastic question but I'm going to answer it extremely seriously.
When one of my fish die I take it extremely seriously. I don't just flush it or bring it to the fish store and get another one. There not the same, every fish has their own personaltiy. BUt you must understand that I feel that humans, fish, ants, aligators, the works are the same though one aspect. WE are alive. Now look at it like I do.
Every person on this planet shares one thing in common, it's the mind. Every animal has that too. THus, by taking away a single life your taking away that mind, just like you dying. NOw are you afraid of dying? Well I'm sure and positive the fish are afraid too. Now if you are willing to just kill off a fish than I would bea fraid to walk next to you in a street because then there is no stopping you from killing me off.
I'm trying not to sound to, dramatic let's say, but it's the only way i can explain what i'm trying to say.
I hope this makes things a bit clearer... i see every pet big and small as the same, just like a child. And yes, when a fish dies i do get upset... but no i don't cry all day but i do mourn...


I have also been researching for fish to start my tank. I found that damsels are very aggressive and don't mix well. But because they are cheap and on the small side, people have been using them. I don't see a point to that, if I am going to get a fish, I want it to live out its days in my tank. Its kind of like goldfish in the freshwater world, they are soo disposible its almost sad. If you want to start a tank with a fish, research, do a chromis or dead shrimp works well too, don't stress out a fish and then just get rid of it. Anyway, thats my take on it.

Originally posted by tiencvu
You are so emotional to your fish.
What happen if any of them pass away. Sit there and cry all day

You are in the wrong hobby pal...anyone who cares enough to set up a tank SHOULD be emotional over the loss of a fish.


Active Member
i had a blue damsel, in my 125, i saw he became agressive, so i pput him in his own tank, and now hes got a buddy, a yellow tail damsel, and theyve been doin great together for about 2 months


Active Member
I get sad when my fish die. Its hard tring to sustain a nice ecosystem then one of your "children" dies. Kind of like a failure.


Look at yourself, your comparing fish with humans- I'm not saying you should torture animals or anything.. I'll take it your a vegitarian, cause you would be a hypocrit to say your fishes lives are so valuable while a fish from a lake is not because the color of its skin.. I say try to avoid it, but if you want to use them for cycleing, go ahead... As long as you don't put them through stress during the process.. My damsels I got for my tank to cycle did fine being I waited 6 months until putting them in.. You just have to be patient. Sure I care when my fish die but I don't treat it like its a person I know.. If you really cared that much about the fish you wouldn't support buying them at all from how many die from stress when captured from the ocean- Thats like kidnapping a young child from their home and throwing it in a house that they cannot leave for the rest of their life until they die an early death from not having the right conditions- long you want to compare fish with humans


Active Member
im not sure if that was directed to me....i didnt compare fish to humans...i said children because in a way you care for these fish much like a child...granted you dont have to teach them anything, but you still provide for their care and growth. Oh BTW i just had a steak at 11:30 at night...sure was good.