Hey Bang....
I thik I have one of those in my tank ... my hands are in there all the time, cuts and all......
It is a single button polyp that was on a piece of live rock. I never touch it though.. BUT can the toxin be in the water and effect me???
It is a brown polyp with a green center...i just went to look and it was closed up.... Now i'm scared! Maybe its a non-toxic one?? I hope so,,,,, Is it JUST the colored ones? because the fish store guy was tryng to sell me come corals today and he has tons of polopy rocks........
What are you being treated with and what are your symptoms?? I have never touched it I dont think?? Or maybe I have when I was rearranging my rock..... WOW, this makes me NOT want to put anything in my tank except fish.....
I have a new anenome (that can sting)
a flower leather coral
finger leater
open brain
I have touch all of them ... I dont think I have ever ben stung!! I am freaking!!!! So please let me know if i will be K if its just in the water colum... and HOW DO I GET IT OUT???
Thanking you kindly and hope you are better soon!!!