Dangers of corals


I was planing on changing my folr to a reef system, but then read in the archives of venomous. I don't understand all of the coral names etc.
So have to ask out right. I have adult onset epilepsy. I can have very bad seizures, they can be triggered by different things, sudden movement, loud noises...sometimes even an unexpected anything. There have been times (few) I had to have CPR, another one I stopped beathing, I already have low blood pressure (which was a symptom stated in one) if dropped too low, I will pass out,
Are all corals venonomous? Should I stay COMPLETELY away from this?
Also I have to take a TON of meds every day, and would worry about reactions.
I already have to watch on one to make sure I don't get a rash from that med....so far so good :) But, it was also a symtom, so I would not know if the rash would be from my med or the venom. The rash from the med could hospitalize me if left untreated. I can NOT take tylenol, only alleve.
Is there a way, I could have someone put them in and leave them alone?
When I do water changes do you have to syphon the sand? Seems to me it would go right up the tube? Asking so I could keep myself SAFE!
I have to ask this stuff as I am going to fire my maintence guy this month.
How do you syphon sand? I have never seen him syphon my cc only take water off the top, and refill? I have a sump so I get very little evaporation.
Heck I don't even know what medium to use in my sump, it doesn't look like he has any.
I really want a reef. They are so pretty, and I am buying a nice light from a member on SWF.
My maintenance guy comes once a month. I know not enough water changes...remember he said to call him if I had a problem.
Any way I could change water, sypon top, and still have him come over and tell him to take care of my bottom

I REALLY need advice before I even attempt this!


Active Member
You don't need to siphon sand. Crabs, snails, stars etc. will take care of your sand. I wouldn't mess with your sand at all. If you wear gloves you should be okay with handeling your corals. If they grow out of control and you'd rather not deal with them I'm sure your lfs will send someone out to frag them and they may even pay you if you allow them to keep the frags.
My sump adds to my evaporation not sure how yours minimizes your evaporation.


THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU!!!! I know another LFS that would prob help me out when they get too big, so I can still dump the other guy.
I will make hubby put them in the tank...with gloves of course. I would still be very cautious of triggering a seizure.
My seizures are triggered very easily. I have to wear industrial strength earplugs and sunglasses when I leave the house. My aquarium is sooo peacefull to look at. I even enjoy the sound of my sump....puts me right to sleep.
I have no idea why my sump does not cause much evaporation. Well, at least I don't think so....lol, remember I am a newbie. I just know the water does not go down between the maintenace guy monthly visits.
once again thank you so very much :jumping:


New Member
Did you say you have crushed coral in the bottom of your tank? I'm new at this myself but from what I have read you do have to clean CC regularly to keep your nitrates from shooting up to high. If I understand correctly, CC can trap detrius and that will make your nitrates to high over time. If you want to go reef, nitrates need to be as close to zero as possible, but not over 0.5. I'm sure most everyone here will tell you that it is much better to switch your CC for live sand. Your system will be much more stable in the long run with live sand. I wish you the best of luck with your tank and whatever you decide to do with it! They really are wonderful to have!


Active Member
No problem. It sounds like you have a cover on your tank which will reduce evaporation but it also prevents gas exchange. If you go reef you'll need to remove that cover.
I have a 29g and I have to add top off water (fresh water not salt) every day. I add about 1/4 of a gallon twice a day give or take a little bit. I'm surprised that you've never had to add water between water changes.


Replying to two posts here:
I have to add a cupfull to my sump sometimes. I have a canopy. They are bringing glass this week, but I may not use it. It depends on the light I am buying. What kind of medium do you use in your sump? I don't think they put any in when they delivered and set up my tank, so now, I don't know what to buy! I am really surprised my fish have survived this maintenace guy.
I am going to set up a QT tank this week. I just learned from reading SWF that I will definiately need one. Thanks to mod Beth. I visited her SW website. It explained a lot of things to me. I try to research in archives without bombarding you all. So I really appreciate the help, when I can't find something. (well, I recently discovered archives a few days ago...lol)
The other post: Yes, I am going to sand base.
Thank you all so much,

bang guy

A few thoughts:
Corals - They are toxic, very few are venomous but nearly all are toxic in some way. Gloves are very very important when handling Corals. When cutting Corals I even wear goggles. The toxins produced by corals range from harmless to fatal. This is for everyone, not just those with alergies (or epilepsy). They can definately be handled safely with gloves.
Sump - I would not add any medium in a sump for a reef tank. Filtration should take place in the live sand or live rock in my opinion.


:scared: After reading that one......I needed some of my happy

Ok, so I am messed up, I also have hyperstartle reflexes and myoclonic jerks. I can see it now, messing with a coral, and have my arm jerk uncontrollably...I would have it everywhere. I am not touching them, I will make somebody else do it. I really want reef system. I bought this nice light in the classifieds from someone who was upgrading. It stays on and has timers, has the moon glow. I am soooo excited!
OK, so bare bottom for Oceanic reef ready. Will that look pretty? I don't want to look at a glass bottom. How would you cover it, if not sand?
Thank you,


Congratulations on making the plunge to keeping corals. It can be a bit overwhelming with everything that needs to be done for them.
It sounded like you were going to make the switch from having crushed coral to Live Sand (LS). I definitely recommend doing this because if you keep the CC your nitrates are going to get too high to have coral. And you would have to do more water changes which means you would have to be in the tank more because to do a good water change with CC you need to vacuum it. There is no need to vacuum LS. In fact, with LS you want to make sure you disturb it as little as possible.
Now, if you do make the change from CC to LS I would not purchase any corals or any more fish until you get that taken care of. Your water will likely be cloudy for a couple of days and the coral would definitely not like that.
Good luck with your new adventure. And be sure to ask lots of questions. That's what these boards are here for.


But, someone just said I can't use sand in a reef ready tank??? :notsure:
I have an Oceanic reef ready so it is not a DIY project, it appears the overflow box is sealed good. Could't I just take my fish out, unplug my motor, and carefully pour in sand? Then put my fishies back? Also I have an over flow box on my tank, therefore maybe cutting the motor off would keep sand from going down it, if I covered it while pouring in sand? BUT, I don't want to mess up my filter....... I am sooooo confused. perhaps I should keep the maintenace guy around a bit longer, since he works for the guy I bought it from ;) in the mean time, I could do the extra water changes myself.
That is how my tank is labeled, Oceanic reef ready, seems to me you could add sand?????
In the mean time before he is fired, I could keep buying better equipment

I want a refractometor (sp) ro, so I don't have to buy water at the store, etc etc etc. I want to do it RIGHT, but worry about my filter now.
I would appreciate more input please.


ooops, I just reread what you said and youu DID say I could use sand...whew....sorry I misunderstood
Thank you for understanding my misunderstanding.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
A few thoughts:
Corals - They are toxic, very few are venomous but nearly all are toxic in some way. Gloves are very very important when handling Corals. When cutting Corals I even wear goggles. The toxins produced by corals range from harmless to fatal. This is for everyone, not just those with alergies (or epilepsy). They can definately be handled safely with gloves.
Sump - I would not add any medium in a sump for a reef tank. Filtration should take place in the live sand or live rock in my opinion.


Ok, let's back up a little bit then. I am confused if you have crushed coral or a bare bottom in your tank?
It might be helpful if you listed the equipment you currently have. For example, here is my list
1. 60G Hexagon tank
2. 60 lbs live rock (LR)
3. 40 lbs Live Sand (LS)
4. Sump (with live rock in it. I used to have a protein skimmer there)
5. Refugium
6. 2 maxijet 1200 powerheads
7. Heater
8. HOB overflow
9. PC lights - Have a MH fixture on order.
You get the idea.
But yes, sand is the best thing to have on the bottom of the tank.


Yes, I have CC now, but plan to go to ls (I don't have a deep cc base) and have 5 fish in it, a tang, 3 damsels. a tomato clown, did have a pinktailed trigger....(well he is leaving today)
75g long
Starting on the live rock have some in there, as I have to get CC out and sand in. Maintenace guy put in uncurd and my tank looked awefull. I found a lfs a few miles from me, that has cured. It sits in a large tank, and water is crystal clear.
sump (bio balls are coming today as well as full cover)
I have a canopy top
my sump has a nozzle that blows a stong current, but if nessary can buy extra power heads. But, it seems very strong the one I have, I have to put food in on side to give the fish a chance to eatI don't know what an HOB overflow is, but I do have an overflow box. It is pretty high up, so if a power outage, my new carpet will not get flooded
no refrugium (I looked that one up :)
I don't know what a pc light is, but right know fluoresant. I am suppussed to be buying a very nice light from the classified sections, but haven't heard back from him in a couple of days. We have been emailing alot, and I got to see pics. Maybe he is just boxing it up and checking shipping before I pay him.?????
If I have hubby put them in, and have have lfs take care of them when they are too big, and I only have to do water changes without having to touch them, I should be ok. I would never do that unless hubby is home. He is CPR certified and trained on how to deal with my seizures. He knows when to call the ambulance, or if I am just having a reg seizure, plus he knows cpr...etc.
So, if I handle this right, get the right equipment, and keep myself safe (LS I wouldn't have to vacuum bottom :) I think I can do this. I am taking it slow.
So, hopefully this will work for me :)
I will also call the Profressor of the epilepsy center at KU, to make sure.
PLus, if I get ANY rash I can go to doc immediately, and tell them what happened. I will have to go slow, they are having to up one of my epi drugs real slow again, I up every two weeks...first week of change I see double vision..sometimes quad...talk about feeling loopy

ever see someoe slur on puter? lol If you ever see me typing with extreme typos.....yep, that will be me
So I plan to get LS, lil critters on the bottom, better light, more rock
Am I leaving anything out.....geesh I just wrote a novel.....lol
Originally Posted by trigger11
Ok, let's back up a little bit then. I am confused if you have crushed coral or a bare bottom in your tank?
It might be helpful if you listed the equipment you currently have. For example, here is my list
1. 60G Hexagon tank
2. 60 lbs live rock (LR)
3. 40 lbs Live Sand (LS)
4. Sump (with live rock in it. I used to have a protein skimmer there)
5. Refugium
6. 2 maxijet 1200 powerheads
7. Heater
8. HOB overflow
9. PC lights - Have a MH fixture on order.
You get the idea.
But yes, sand is the best thing to have on the bottom of the tank.


Sounds like a good plan. Yes, switching to the LS instead of having the CC will be a big improvement for the filtration. I do definitely recommend waiting probably a couple of weeks before adding any new fish or corals after you get it in there.
I would only add the bio balls to your sump if you only have a limited amount of live rock. Say less than 50 pounds worth. If you have 50 or more (approximation) then I would avoid the bio balls. They tend to get very dirty and you have to clean them often to get all of the junk out.
I saw your other post about lights. I could be wrong but what you have linked was Power Compact (PC) lighting. That type of lighting will be fine if you want to keep the softer kind of corals like green star polyps (GSP), Frogspawn, Zoos, and such. However, if you want an anenome's or clams or the hard stony corals then you will need to have metal halide lighting. Although I have heard of some who have had good results with T-5 lighting. So in reality what you really have to do is decide what things you want in your reef then choose the lights accordingly. The metal halides can get pretty expensive.
This part may be confusing but worth checking out. Since you will be wanting a reef the corals require more water movement. Approximately a 20 to 30 times turnover rate. So what you need to do is figure out how many gallons of water your pumps move in an hour. Basically you add up all of your gallons per hour and then divide that by your 75G and that is your turnover rate. Your return pump should say how many gallons it does. My guess is you will need at least one more powerhead and maybe 2.
Good luck with your setup. Be sure to post some pics. :happyfish