I have dart frogs. I can post pics later.
they have got to be one of the easiest critters to take care of. Once you get the tank set up properly it is almost smooth sailing.
I have never had a problem with temps or humidity cause they were set up properly. You have to do things right from the beginning to make it all work out correctly.
I have a couple older threads here with tons of pics but tonight after I get off work i will post some more pics.
I just got a new clutch from my vitattus. I am very excited about that. I had a 2.2 group and split them up and sold one of the pairs. Breeding came to a stand still. After months of trying I got the pair I sold back and within 2 weeks of getting them back togther I get eggs.
My man creeks wont shut up so I hope there is good eggs in their tank and my patricias seem to get getting back into the egg laying groove
Oh happy days in froggy land.