Daughter doing a report-what's the most poisonous "fish" and coral?


randy 12

My daughter's doing a report on the most poisonous "fish" and I thought it would be nice to add the most poisonous coral. Anyway, for "fish" I was thinking the blue ring octopus. Would that be right?
What about most poisonous coral?
Thanks for the help.
Randy's wife
The only one that I have seen is the Blue Ringed Octopuss. If you ever entertain the thought of keeping this creature, which I strongly urge you to reconsider because this can kill you.
Three mintues to reaction. I think their life span is 2-3 yrs. That is it .They are very tiny and very deadly. There is no anti- venom to these beautiful animals.
There are many fish in the hobby that could inflict a wound. I am only going to concentrate on one, the lionfish to see a lionfish charging at your hand, spines ready to "dig in". There are rumors that you can die from a lionfish sting, which are totally false unless you are alergic to the venom they carry. Most people get a burning sensation and alittle swelling int the area.


Active Member
I try not to touch zoanthids without anything covering my hands. Look up "palytoxin" and you will see how toxic it is.


I thought the cone snail was the most toxic animal. I have however been wrong before and I will be wrong again.

randy 12

Thanks for the quick replies. I knew I could count on you all!

bang guy

Palythoa are the most poisonous coral. Do a search on Palytoxin - the most toxic known natural substance. Normally, the first symptom of Palytoxin poisoning is death.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Palythoa are the most poisonous coral. Do a search on Palytoxin - the most toxic known natural substance. Normally, the first symptom of Palytoxin poisoning is death.

wait so what other sytmptoms are left :p


the most txic animal in the world is the box jelly fish that lives off the coast of australia...i am pretty sure would do a search on google


I know the sea snake (great barrier reef) is the most venomous snake in the world - more venomous than a cobra. But, I don't know if you are talking about fish in tanks or overall! Good luck.:thinking:
Hey, by the way, I respect the hell out of you for even being involved with your kids and their HW. As a teacher (by night), it's amazing how many people don't get involved. Way to go, Mom! You rock! :happy:

randy 12

Thanks H20. She got to choose what to do her report on and she said...saltwater aquarium fish! I must say it made me proud to see her interested too. She's 13 and her interests right now don't include school too much. She'd much rather be on the phone with friends, chatting online with friends, or hanging out with friends. I guess I should be grateful it's not boys.
Her grades aren't the best so we have to keep on her to do her homework.
Her report is on the deadliest fish/invert you can keep in your aquarium. And by deadly, I think she means by touching..not eating or not deadly after dying.
I will look up palythoa. THanks all!


I know that stone fish are very poisonous...more than that of a lionfish. I think those are one of the most popular aquarium fish considering these others mentioned.
Are zoos really that toxic? I have polyps all over my tank, and always pick them up when they fall and put them somewhere else.
Im a bit confused on this.


The Cone snail is the most poisonous in the world. It has a toxin that consists of over 250 poisons of a different kind which no other animal has. It does not go to the nervous system or respiratory system but straight to the heart, affecting nothing else. Death is almost certain within 3 to 6 min.