'Dead' LR in a FW rinse?


Been a while since I've run a SW tank. It's been about 4 years or so since my last tank. I saved the LR from the tank, and it's been in a closed tub...dried out and dead...since then.
My question is, can I rinse it in FW...to get any debris off and old salt off...before I place it in a SW tank?
The tank was purchased yesterday. Hasn't cycled...have about a month to get it cycled and ready before I add any livestock at all. (Going on vacation and don't want to add anything till I get back...but I would like the tank to be cycled and ready for that time.)
Any info would be greatly appreciated,


If you really think it needed. Quick google search.
Soak the rock in a 50/50 bleach and water solution for about 2 days. Drain the soaking container then soak the rock in clean fresh water for 2 days. Drain the container again, rinse the rock in fresh water and soak again it in fresh water again for another 2 days. Then add a 2lb box of baking soda per 15 gallons of water and soak the rock again for 3-4 days. Drain the container then soak again in fresh water for a day then remove the rock and let it sit and dry for 3-4 days (The baking soda soak is to neturalize the acid and low P.H from the bleach).


Wow! Thanks for that info! I would have never thought of bleaching it!
Would that still be ok to do...if I plan on keeping soft corals in the future?


Ok, after doing a little reading (i think from the same place your info came from)...I understand that the bleach is to 'kill' off anything on the live rock. But...I'm wondering if I need to do that...being that I'm pretty sure everything is already dead...since it's been sitting for 4 years...dried out.
I've also read about acid.? I still haven't gotten to the part where they say what this is...and where to get this acid from. ? But that acid will eat away at the rock itself. Which that may be a good thing...because I can see the layers of dried out salt and sand covering the rock.
And this is all kinda scary btw...just don't want to harm the tank when I put it back in after putting my rock through acid/bleach...
It's going into a 29 gallon biocube.

bang guy

Chlorine bleach will dissolve organic material without dissolving your rock like an acid will. It's your call if you think there's leftover organics you want to remove. Freshwater is also fine. If you use the bleach you will want to rinse it off very throughly and let it dry for several days before placing it in a tank.


Thanks for the replies.
I like the idea of useing a power washer rather than acid.
I'll do the bleach, the rinse, and the power washer. And then let sun dry for a few days.
What would be the ratio of water to bleach? And how long should it soak?
Once it's done with the bleach, how long should I let it soak in just water (maybe with a power head for movement), before I do the power wash and sun bake?
Thanks again guys for the info. Feeling better about the process now.