Death Row to Harsh? what you guys think


from watching the news.. i think it is kinda harsh.. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.. and who are they to say who lives and who dies?


Active Member
I think people who dont agree with the death penalty.. are morons.. sorry, if people do some of the whacky crap they do.. they deserve nothing better than to die.
In my opinion the following list should result in a slow painful death.
---- in any form.
Touching a kid in a sexual way.
Etc.. the sick stuff.


do you have a religion? would you say that if your brother was in that spot? they are now re looking at evidence and finding some people innocent.. did you know it cost us money? 2mil+ to execute someone 800k for keeping someone 40 years in jail


Active Member
If the judicial system was perfect and mistakes were never made I’d have no problem with the death penalty. However, innocent people have been executed and will continue to be executed and because of that, the death penalty needs to go. Look at OJ, he killed two people and was found innocent because he could afford a stellar defense team. Poor people don’t have the same luxury and are often represented by over worked DA’s and run the risk of being found guilty for something they didn’t do.


Active Member
If my brother/sister/mother/dad/girlfriend was on deathrow and they did kill someone, or ---- someone, or touch a kid or whatever.. I would feel no pitty on them.
If they are innocent then thats not the death penaltys fault.. blame the persons lawyer for sucking and the accusers lawyer for being darn good. When it all comes down to it.. thats all really matters.. how good your lawyer is.


speg.. how old are you?
if you were 18 did a bank robbery shot 2 people killed them... would you want to be put on death row?


oh yeh.. i watch csi and court tv and all that forensic stuff.. but did you know a hair sample matches 1 out of 1 million...but still its not 100%


Active Member
I dont think it helps to prevent crime. America is one of the few democratic countries that have a death penalty, yet have one of the highest murder rates.
As a Christian, I am against it because Jesus was a victim of capital punishment and God himself did not strike Cain dead for killing Abel.


california just put it back in gear.. i bet you crime rate will go down.. if people value their life enough to rob and kill.. they will think about it twice..


I think the death penalty is a necessary part of the concept of justice. If the victim's life is taken, why should the criminal's life be spared? Is the criminal's life more valuable than the innocent victim taken away from his/her family? Not to mention that where you have a truly dangerous individual, shouldn't the other prisoners be protected from him?
While the criminal justice system is not perfect, it is designed in such a way that it is much easier for a guilty man to go free than for an innocent man to be imprisoned.
But to be honest, even DNA evidence is not as accurate as the 1 in billion numbers we hear everyday. The labs where the testing is done subjects the results to human errors... ie. tainted samples, other conditions interfering with the results. To read the studies of the labratories that have to be shut down because of the conditions shows how misleading even DNA evidence can be. Anyway, sorry for the tangent.


Active Member
posted by jcrim "shouldn't the other prisoners be protected from him?" what happend to jeffrey dahmer, i rest my case on that one


Active Member
the death penalty is a must but if i had my way i would make the

work the rest of their lives(chain gangs) also for the real bad ones i would put them in an orange jump suit and throw them in the everglades and hand out permits for people to kill them, the government and state would make a crap load if they sold the permits and rid the streets of danger, just my 2 cents though


they all keep murders with murders.. eventually.. when your amongst murders and you look at someone the wrong way.. your gonna get shanked and die unexpectly.. sooner or later.. its hard to surivive in jail when you got only murders in for life and really dont give a ... your sitting out here in america acting all big n bad going shooting n robbin jus wait till you get inside and your amongst people worst ten you then you know your not the sh*t
just the way their victims died..


if i was in jail around murders.. id wake up everyday for 40+ years thinkin man is something gonna happen today.. is today my day.. always paranoid.. your really not living in peace.. damage to the mind is way much harsher then damage phyically..


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
yea i can not believe jcrim did not know that being the lawyer and all what a big shot lol

Guess what clown... just because a prisoner is in maximum security doesn't mean he's in with just murderers. You really don't know sh-- about anything do you?
BTW, keep advising people that tangs should be skinny and that a tank can be fully stocked in 2 days. Moron.


lets rephrase that ... "really really really violent people with 10+ years" really hard to not get more years and stay out of trouble in those prisions..


Active Member
posted by jcrim "shouldn't the other prisoners be protected from him?" what happend to jeffrey dahmer, i rest my case on that one
do i really have to keep repeating this jcrim, come on give me a friggen break i know more than u will ever know and i di not even take the bar