Death Row to Harsh? what you guys think


Active Member
If I killed someone i'd expect to die in return. Or at least never leave prison.
Killing in self defense is a different story though.
I am 22, if I murdered someone and found out I was to be given the death penalty for it I would completely understand. I mean... could I argue and say 'hey, I know I killed them... but I dont deserve to die for that'.... c'mon man :p :notsure:


You know a ton... let's see,
you know the name Jeffrey Dahmer (although you write like a 5 year old),
you know that you can cram as many fish as you can buy into a tank the first day you get it,
you know that tangs should be skinny,
what else do you know little boy?


Active Member
oh and keep tellin me that my angel is going to die, just keep thinkin it big shot, u wish u had half of what i have dont u


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
oh and keep tellin me that my angel is going to die, just keep thinkin it big shot, u wish u had half of what i have dont u
Maybe your angel, definitely your achilles tang, probably your naso tang, maybe your puffer... for now


Active Member
first of all the tank was set up thank u very much and why the hell do i have to write proper when iam chillin on the computer its not like iam writin a frigen 30 page essay is it, which iam sure u could never ever do in a million years


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
first of all the tank was set up thank u very much and why the hell do i have to write proper when iam chillin on the computer its not like iam writin a frigen 30 page essay is it, which iam sure u could never ever do in a million years
Look son, no need to hijack the thread. The fact is you kissed my butt until I gave you some advice you didn't want. You stocked your tank in 2 days!!!
If you can't take some criticism then maybe you shouldn't share quite so much.


Active Member
posted by jcrim "Maybe your angel, definitely your achilles tang, probably your naso tang, maybe your puffer... for now" and yet u were for sure he was going to die, did someone change their mind.................
oops i think they did


Active Member
Arguing on the internet is just like being in the special olympics... even if you win you're still retarded.
Now stop being babies.. both of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
I am SO not commenting on this.
I am gonna have to go with ya on this one Mimzy...


puffer.. you see why only certain types of people qualify to run this country?.. you forgot your in america.. not like iraq "give me liberty or give me death!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
posted by jcrim "shouldn't the other prisoners be protected from him?" what happend to jeffrey dahmer, i rest my case on that one
do i really have to keep repeating this jcrim, come on give me a friggen break i know more than u will ever know and i di not even take the bar
I have told you time and again to start showing a little respect or else few will be eager to assist you here.


Actually, lethal injection is too easy!! Bring back the electric chair!!


Active Member
“It is by exacting the highest penalty for the taking of human life that we affirm the highest value of human life “ (Edward Koch)


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Actually, lethal injection is too easy!! Bring back the electric chair!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Actually, lethal injection is too easy!! Bring back the electric chair!!
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! The electric chair was very wrong. Lethal injection doesnt bother me, but thats because not a single person has survived it. People didnt always die from the electric chair. If you are going to go that route, why dont we just legalize hanging?


Active Member
I think it should be upheld when the crime is so horrific that death is the punishment.
Read this story of an innocent 6 year old that was found dead on Christmas Day.
I have shortened it for your convenience. On the flip side...tell me what you think
A woman and her boyfriend were charged with three counts each of first-degree murder on Tuesday, two days after her 6-year-old son was found beaten to death in their house in Cahokia.
Authorities discovered the lifeless body of Lohman’s son, Ryan Smith, on the floor of a bedroom in the couple’s house after Lohman called 911. St. Clair County Coroner Rick Stone said that there had been a “long period of abuse,” culminating in a final, fatal beating on Saturday night.
When authorities answered a call Sunday evening about a little boy being unresponsive, they found no sign of holiday joy or cheer inside the drab, run-down duplex.
No Christmas tree. No presents. Only the bruised, lifeless body of 6-year-old Ryan Smith on a bedroom floor.
An autopsy on Monday disclosed that Ryan had been beaten, probably with hands and fists.
"The autopsy showed, from the bruises on his body, that there had been a long period of abuse," said St. Clair County Coroner Rick Stone. "There were old injuries and obviously new injuries.
"That boy had been beaten like a dog."
Both Ryan's mother Starr Lohman, 24, who had made the 911 call, and her live-in boyfriend have been arrested. Lohman was charged Tuesday with three counts of first degree murder.
Cahokia Police Capt. Norman Venable said he did not know if both adults took part in the beating or why the boy was beaten. "I know what they're (the suspects) saying, but I don't believe them.
"I know that the beating was terrible."
Ryan's 20-month-old younger brother was found unharmed in the home, and he was turned over to a relative, Venable said.
Venable said Ryan had not been attending school or registered in any school. The identity or whereabouts of Ryan's father is unknown, he said.


Hanging's ok w/me. If the electic chair doesn't work the first time... throw the switch again. Why should someone die so easily when their victim did not? The victim usually doesn't have a choice.