Debate with LFS about T-5 is good for corals


today I am going to purchase the 4 VHO lamps. But he interupt my buying. and want me to buy T-5 instead of VHO.
We have heated debated between with LFS and me.. LFS suggested to have T-5 bulbs for my tank. but I want to have Anemones for my DT, and some corals. LFS told me to have 4 T-5 HO will sufficent for anemones. I puzzled, why the heck LFS mentioned four T-5 will suffiecent light for my tank and will fine with anemones and some corals.
My tank is 37 tall, so that is 30 length, 12.5 deep and 24 height. Therefore that is 4 x 24 watts is 96 watts, are he kidding me? I knew that if I want to have T-5 Ho so I have to buy about 8 lamp will be prefect for the anemonies. will be 8X24 equal 192 watts will fine but the problem is can't fit for 12.5 inches width of canopy that I make canopy " 31x13 "
My wife and I would like to have small Reef with two true perscula, amenomies, Sailfin blenny, I don't know goby yet, not sure which goby to get. some corals. to make nice reef to feel like we are in island, we are pursed to BA and MA degrees, we haven't time for vacation for a while.


Active Member
IMO, i woudl always recomend t-5 over vho. T-5 are low wattage, but more light(higher PAR), theyre low profile so you can cram a bunch of bulbs in there, they are cheap to buy and cheap to run. VHO are just a ton of wattage crammed into a cheap florescent bulb, which makes them have an extremely short lifespan. I woudl say that you can make it siwht a tek fixture 4x25 watts or whatever it is or the 6 bulb version. * is overkill in my opinion, people take for granted just how much light these t5's put out.


Active Member
ya ur lfs is right t-5s are way better than vho any day, less wattage but way more light, run cooler and last way longer, u should be fine with 4x24w tek fixture but the 6x24w will give u no restrictions


An example. a 10 watt T-5 NO fixture I have says the bulb outputs ~15 watt of light. And thats a NO bulb. I'm guessing the HO's are even greater per wattage.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
IMO, i woudl always recomend t-5 over vho. T-5 are low wattage, but more light(higher PAR), theyre low profile so you can cram a bunch of bulbs in there, they are cheap to buy and cheap to run. VHO are just a ton of wattage crammed into a cheap florescent bulb, which makes them have an extremely short lifespan. I woudl say that you can make it siwht a tek fixture 4x25 watts or whatever it is or the 6 bulb version. * is overkill in my opinion, people take for granted just how much light these t5's put out.
You impling that T-5 Ho is the best choice over VHO, but you mentioned that T-5 has higher Par, I check about that if have higher Par that must have reflector each the tube, there no reflector, just plain straight reflector that will be decrease of PAR. use singles reflector will not able to fit on my canopy, because the mesaurement is 13 inch of wooden canopy. the reflector are measured is 2.5 width, so pretender that I have 6 T-5 Ho and 6 reflectors multiply 2.5 inches will be 15 inches of width, That will be over my tank size, the tank size is 12.5. the light will proably not perpendicular to tank.
Best bet that 144 watts of 6 T-5 is best choice for some SPS and Anemones? or 192 watts of 8 - T-5?


Active Member
reread my post, and check the TEK fixtures, you'll be able to find soemthing. And each bulb has its own individual reflector.


Active Member
You could go witht he tek 24" fixture, 4x24 watts, thats what i was going to get for my 37 gal cube, but i went with a mh pendant instead.


Originally Posted by fanker
ya ur lfs is right t-5s are way better than vho any day, less wattage but way more light, run cooler and last way longer, u should be fine with 4x24w tek fixture but the 6x24w will give u no restrictions
HI fanker, one question for you. i saw one fixture from AquaCave, there are 6 bulbs (6x24) for T-5 Ho, height 24 in. I wonder its will ok for SPS and clam? just a question, if No, then I know what else to look for light ( MH) for SPS and clam. I have to find a way to make sure MH is not in the way of center brace.


While I agree that your LFS is right, T-5's are better than VHO for the numerous reasons listed above, at 24" deep I don't think either one will support SPS or Clams. They simply can't penetrate the water that deep. Your best bet would be a single MH pendant. You will have far less limitations this way for about the same cost. And it makes better use of the available space you have.
Also, the PAR output of the bulb itself has nothing to do with the reflector. It simply directs more of the light into the tank. And you certainly do not need an individual reflector for each bulb.


Jessenc, I know i think so but problem is If I want put 150 watt MH and two blue act T-5 but problem is that putting 150 watt MH middle of lighting and the center brace will block the view of lighting and cause heat and probably melt the center brace. should cut the 8 inch center brace replace with acrylic with weldon 3 on the brace from front and back? is other way?
If two MH have to cut the time to reduce the algae develop and limited enjoy view on reef tank when two MH light off.


Active Member
t-5s are proven to penatrate over 24" deep and supporting clams and sps.
rmahnick. i would recomend the t-5s instead the 6x24w will have no restrictions, let me guess u have a 37g cube?
but ya if u want a mh than u will get a shadow and u have to have it 6-8" away from the tank, and if ur tank is to wide u will have dark spots on the sides which t-5s dont do, i had 35" t-5s on my 48" tank and u couldnt tell they were only 3 feet


Active Member
Originally Posted by rmahnick
You impling that T-5 Ho is the best choice over VHO, but you mentioned that T-5 has higher Par, I check about that if have higher Par that must have reflector each the tube, there no reflector, just plain straight reflector that will be decrease of PAR. use singles reflector will not able to fit on my canopy, because the mesaurement is 13 inch of wooden canopy. the reflector are measured is 2.5 width, so pretender that I have 6 T-5 Ho and 6 reflectors multiply 2.5 inches will be 15 inches of width, That will be over my tank size, the tank size is 12.5. the light will proably not perpendicular to tank.
Best bet that 144 watts of 6 T-5 is best choice for some SPS and Anemones? or 192 watts of 8 - T-5?

even without reflectors it still has way more light and par than vho


no this not cube, 30 inch long but its tall 24 inch and 12.5 deep. its rectangle.
I happened to find one in reefcave that has 6x24 watt t-5 with the size that fit my canopy, its perfect, less than 13 inches. so I think it probably better chance to have 6 instead of 4 and there will be 4 10,000 K and 2 act blue it will be good?


Active Member
i can find that site but i know a really cheap place but u should email me. and for bulbs the 4 10k and 2 actinics will be yellow, i would go with 3 actinic+, 2 aquablues, and 1 ge 65k, ati daylight or some kind of daylight


I typed and short messages because I am in class 25 minutes ago I am in Calculus 1 in college.
The reason I got attention to T-5 because I went to other LFS up in North and I want to know how many LFS around austin, and when that time I checked and I saw one tank with one 150 watt MH, I noticed not really bright, there are shadow dark side in far left and far right, only center with a bright light, its look not great, then other tank over there with DIY with 8 T-5 Ho, and can see big difference wth bright wall to wall and look so good... also my wife and I saw a beautiful Clam its purple with blue lines, there no name but look so cool.. that why we would like to have some SPS and coral around the reef.. I hope T-5 is worth than MH because center brace is one main in *ss ..
here email is


Active Member
ya well worth it check out my tank
4x54w tek hood on my 55g. very expencive but well worth it,


Active Member
You can put both clams and anenomes under T5's, I did
And they both came from a tank with T5 lighting.



Look nice clam you have. I am starting to lean to T-5 Ho..
have to look different web to buy retro T-5 for canopy.


Active Member
T-5 supporters are like Pepsi fans........when everyone knows Coke tastes better. Just kidding. Has anyone ever measured the lux of T-5's and VHO's at standard tank essence isn't that what we're talking about? And what about ballasts, shouldn't that be considered........for the record, I like Coke over Pepsi, Ford over Chevy, any homebrew over Bud/Coors, and opening my presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve.