Deep Sand Bed in refugium


Active Member
Originally Posted by Grue
Any of the DSB you running use a plenum? I have my Refurum set up with about 6" of sand Using a plenum system. Setup using Bob Goemans methods from the Live sand Secrets pamplet. (They say it is a book but it is only 20 pages long) My 2 cents. Due to inflation it is only worth .0001 cents
all research indicates that a plenum DSB and a regular DSB perform exactly the same there is no noticable difference. the only real difference is if you expose the plenum you have a higher chance of critical failure because exposing even a small portion aalows O2 to enter the entire anoxic area. where as in a normal DSB if you dig to deep in one spot it does not effect the entire bed only the localized area.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
A DSB is dependant on depth of dissolved oxygen/gasses.....Fauna?? what if you do see air bubbles in the upper part of the DT is that good or bad? Also at nite time my SB is covered with tiny snails is that bad or good? Is a yellow face goby good or bad For DSB
I have to make one correction and I assume that you meant DSB instead of DT, airbubbles in the upper part of the sandbed are a good sign like Aztec said but correct me if I am wrong these air bubbles are not oxygen they are nitrogen and are produced by the anerobic bacteria in the lower portion of the sandbed. It is not a sign of oxygen getting though it is a sign that the anerobic bacteria are present and breaking down nitrate into nitrogen.
I am not a biology expert so I can't wow you or baffle you with complex terminolgy but from what I have gathered in my experience and through my little understanding of how filtration works in an aquarium enviroment. Barebottom and Shallow sand bed tanks rely heavily on water changes for nutrient export mainly nitrate because there is very little surface area for anerobic bacteria to form. A DSB has a huge surface area where anerobic bacteria can form and it is anerobic bacteria that perform the final step in the nitrogen cycle, converting nitrate into nitrogen gas. Since anerobic bacteria are exporting most of the nitrate it allows you to rely less on water changes for nitrate export and use them mainly for mineral export and replentishment.


Just another two cents worth of info. In a tank set up with a DSB (with or without a plenum) you gain the benefit of various populations of critters, you get an area that work just like live rock for removing nitrates, you also get a terriffic pH buffering system, and aesthetically more realistic to the eye and the critters you place in the tank. In a tank set up with a shallow sand bed you might as well be running bioballs - becuase you are very efficiently producing nitrate. So you willl need more poundage of LR to balance out tank as compared to using DSB. If you run a stoic Berlin (bare bottom system) then you will also need more rock than with a DSB and also need to vaccuum bottom glass regularly to prevent build up of biologicals that can lead to decay related spikes in nitrates and even ammonia. Over all my best bet is for using DSB. The only set back I have ever seen is in a DSB where too few critters existed to stir it and too much Ca and Alk were added without testing - the sand went to being chunky/clumpy! As usual this is from my experience and IMHO.