I've run 3 reefs using DSBs and maintained a couple dozen. I have some notes:
A healthy DSBs will remove Nitrate.
A healthy DSB will not remove Phosphate, unlike an algae scrubber that will remove both.
Disturbing a DSB should be avoided.
An unhealthy DSB (one that does not have sufficient sand bed critters) will build up nutrients. It will produce Sulphur dioxide in the dead areas.
A healthy sand bed (one with plenty of worms, bugs, snails, etc.) will not build up nutrients. It will eventually find a balance over a couple years tie. It will not produce Sulphur dioxide.
A live sand bed needs to be maintained. Many of the necessary critters will have their populations decline to the point where they stop reproducing. There are many reasons for this but the most obvious is our tanks are small making it difficult to maintain sand bed diversity. Live sand from healthy tanks or fresh from the ocean is occasionally needed in order to maintain the diversity required for a healthy sand bed.
The type of sand makes a HUGE difference. The best I have found if Oolitic sand of varying sized grains. The worst I have seen is pool filter sand.
My 900 gallon system had an 8" sand bed and was kept running for about 10 years. When I broke it down there was no Sulphur dioxide or built up nutrients at all, just a ton of critters.