Delivery from SWF: Heni is upside down


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
You're right; 1.017 won't hurt fish as long as they are acclimated to it. Many holding facilities keep their salinity in this area. Years ago, many experienced hobbiests did too. Less stress on the fish and more stress on parasites. I forget the reason; but there was some study that showed long-term exposure to this sg was a problem. I kept the same tank & fish for many years at 1.017 and still have my QT at that level.
they actually breath easier in lower salinity so thats not the issue and its not even close to a fatal/stressful level.


Originally Posted by meowzer
I see...I have never seen anything like that before...thanks for answering
No problem.. .the true appreciation comes when you have a pygmy angel busy body cruising around throug them at Mach 2.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Looks promising my friend I still belive gas were the problem he may be expelling it or absorbing it and finally getting his equilibrium back. Keep us posted


This morning he is swimmin upright; his mouth is no longet "stuck open" and is breathing like a regular fish. Again, patience proves the mother of all success in the salt water aquarium hobby.
Oh, and NanoMantis- my turn to be funny.

And my turn to edit... Please don't use that pic again... Renogaw


Active Member
Yeah I didn't get the whole toilet thing... unless you did it slade to let us know the result... but yay! happy ending so far :)

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I was just wondering and I do not know if the laws of physics would even allow this. Is it possible that in shipping oxygen was added to the bag (a practice many LFS do) the oxygen some how supper oxygenated the water? And was absorbed into the fish bladder affecting its equilibrium. Again I must say I do not know if such a thing is even possible


Originally Posted by Kevin34
thats a lot of PVC hahaha i only have 3 pieces in my QT. glad to hear about the recovery

Probably... and should have taken some out when I saw how big the heni was when I got him; but it was set up for a Potters Angel as I wanted it to feel as comfortable as possible with many options for swimming/hiding.


Originally Posted by slade1274
Probably... and should have taken some out when I saw how big the heni was when I got him; but it was set up for a Potters Angel as I wanted it to feel as comfortable as possible with many options for swimming/hiding.
How do you catch fish with all that PVC when its time to move them?


PVC comes out easy enough.... the big piece is actually one held together with plastic zip ties through drilled holes.