DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Hey guys! i changed my tank a lot! i no longer have my pink finger leather coral b/c it was a little big for my i dont have great lighting, and i bought some new coral. Ill post close ups of my coral later...what do ya think?!


From your first picture, it looks like the bottom half of the fox coral isnt opening up. Could be a sign of stress or problem. You might want to check into that before any other problems. But overall, nice tank!!!! :) :cheer:


Active Member
check the circulation and overfeeding as well because you have red slime algea that will only get worse if there is a problem like the ones mentioned. Looks great though.


Active Member
thanks! im working on the red slime. i have good water flow and i always think my boyfriend doesnt feed the fish enough...i dont know...


you have built an excellent little reef, don't worry about the little patch of cyano, just remove it and keep up the good work. I want to test my identification skills. That blur in your picture, is that a 6 line wrasse (japanese wrasse)? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ToonaScott
you have built an excellent little reef, don't worry about the little patch of cyano, just remove it and keep up the good work. I want to test my identification skills. That blur in your picture, is that a 6 line wrasse (japanese wrasse)? :thinking:
wow pritty good! its a six line wrasse...and thanks


Active Member
yaaaaay! the red slime is gone!!!!!!! just took this picture 5 minutes ago!...plan on going to my LFS today to find something new :happyfish


Thanks for posting those pictures. I have a 24 gallon aquapod as well, and when it gets established I hope that it looks half as good as yours does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squiddly
Thanks for posting those pictures. I have a 24 gallon aquapod as well, and when it gets established I hope that it looks half as good as yours does.
awww sure yours will look pictures some time!


your tank looks awesome as always. i really liked your pink leather tho. but i guess it took up to much space. right now tho id have to say that fox coral is my fav. keep takin those pics
what type of camera do you have.


New Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
yaaaaay! the red slime is gone!!!!!!! just took this picture 5 minutes ago!...plan on going to my LFS today to find something new :happyfish

Been fighting the red slime in my tank as well. What did you do to get rid of it??????