DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by cptrigger
Been fighting the red slime in my tank as well. What did you do to get rid of it??????
i bought some stuff at my LFS that i had to add in to my not sure what it's called ill tell you when i find it...this stuff works wonders!
...but yeah ill tell you what it is later.


Active Member
I have 2x18 watt PC.
And the stuff i added to get rid of the red slime is called Chemiclean red slime remover


New Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
And the stuff i added to get rid of the red slime is called Chemiclean red slime remover

Thanks. Appreciate the info.


Active Member
i h ave recently stated a 12 as well can you post the fish and maybe what els you got in there cus im in need of som ideas i have a thread with posting 12 gal so if you knw ne on elet them know lol


Active Member
here are some new pictures. The fish i have are 1 watch man goby, 1 clown, 1 sixline wrasse. my corals are trumpet coral, frogspawn, fox coeal, zoos, ricordea shrooms, cat eye, clove polyps, green star polyps heres my clean up crew, 1 emerald crab, 1 scarlet crab, 2 hermit crabs, 3 nass snails, 1 cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
lookin good....
its cool to see a small tank look so full and have lots of different things in it!
good job


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
lookin good....
its cool to see a small tank look so full and have lots of different things in it!
good job
yeah i cant really fit anything else lol...i want more!


Active Member
wow .. you have an amazing tank .. that's the best looking nano I've ever seen .. but yes .. I have Chemiclean too for my red algea and it does work wonders ..


Active Member
time to get a bigger tank!
i have a 180 and my corals are gettin packed in there pretty soon im guna need a 300+
lol but my electric bill out here is rediculous so i cant afford that


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
time to get a bigger tank!
i have a 180 and my corals are gettin packed in there pretty soon im guna need a 300+
lol but my electric bill out here is rediculous so i cant afford that
hmmm you may be right lol i want a bigger tank but i dont have the money to buy a new one... i already have to pay $50 a week for gas
...and i dont work that much b/c of school.


Active Member
yeah the bigg4er the tank the more $ geeze tell me about it...
my 180 is costin an arm and a leg right now.... down here in so cali i have so cal edison for power and this montha lone my houses electric bill was $500!!!! which was enought o make me cry.... and also i work construction so i usually spend about $150-$200 a week on gas for my truck ....
but tanks sure are fun....
im sure one day ull get a bigger one but as for now ur 12g is really nice and u did a good job on it


How does your clown and sixline do in a tank that small ?Was thinking about getting bith for my 20 but everybody say nothing smaller than a 30 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhawk
How does your clown and sixline do in a tank that small ?Was thinking about getting bith for my 20 but everybody say nothing smaller than a 30 gallon.
They do just fiiiine together... everybody has a diferent rule about size of tank and what kind of fish you can have...some people even say that my tank is to small for fish, but i have no problem what so ever with them.


Active Member
Yea, that 'general' rule of thumb of 5 gallons per inch... eh, seems liek a waste, i'm going to have at least 3 fish in my ten for a while (upgrading to a 30 within the next few months), mainly becuz i have a yellow watchman that hangs out in its burrow under the rockwork, and a clown that hangs out in a frogspawn all day, so really their is alot of open space, and i can handle the bioload. and nice tank as always demartini


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhawk
How does your clown and sixline do in a tank that small ?Was thinking about getting bith for my 20 but everybody say nothing smaller than a 30 gallon.
i forgot to say that if you have enough LR and keep up on water changes those fish will do fine... and i do understand that there are fish that you cant keep in small tanks, such as blue hippo tangs which i wish i could have reeeaaallllyyyy bad!