DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Yea, buy the one that is cut to fit. All you need is a small strip. I change it when ever it looks dirty. Usually I have to change it every 3-4 days. I took the sponge in the third chamber out and put a bag of carbon there.


Originally Posted by DeMartini
Yea, buy the one that is cut to fit. All you need is a small strip. I change it when ever it looks dirty. Usually I have to change it every 3-4 days. I took the sponge in the third chamber out and put a bag of carbon there.
looks like my days with those f'n filters are over! YAY! thanks De!
and ill make sure to replace the other filter with some carbon, do you keep it in all the time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
looks like my days with those f'n filters are over! YAY! thanks De!
and ill make sure to replace the other filter with some carbon, do you keep it in all the time?
You can if you clean it every week. Or you could only run it for about a week or 2 every month.
This is off topic, but I have a bi-color dottyback in my biocube that has managed to jump from the main tank into the return chamber. I have tried getting it out but my arm is too big to get in there all the way and it keeps hinding in a small space underneath the filter sponge!
Any ideas?!


Originally Posted by DeMartini
You can if you clean it every week. Or you could only run it for about a week or 2 every month.
Thanks for all the help!!! Next paycheck I'll make a couple of purchases....this tank is killing my poor student pocket book


Active Member
Originally Posted by HuskerReefer
This is off topic, but I have a bi-color dottyback in my biocube that has managed to jump from the main tank into the return chamber. I have tried getting it out but my arm is too big to get in there all the way and it keeps hinding in a small space underneath the filter sponge!
Any ideas?!
Try to get a really small net. If that doesn’t work, get a really wide plastic hose and siphon him out into a separate container.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Thanks for all the help!!! Next paycheck I'll make a couple of purchases....this tank is killing my poor student pocket book

LOL... I know what you mean


you have one of the dopest looking tanks i've ever seen in my life!! your ricordia's are awsome! i'm gonna hit up that alameda store soon when i get some $...what's your corals right now by the way if you don't mind me have too many pages to look through so im lazy to look hahahaha =)


sry if this is a stupid question but i'm sorta new too to S/W but very aged in F/W. Anyways, is ur tank the JBJ system? That's what i'm about to get (
)and i just have a few (newbie) questions on it.
hey dimartini, the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist discourages beginners to have tanks under 40 gal. i have had F/W experiences so i have aquired some skill, but do you think a 24g nano is to hard for a beginner s/w tank?


Originally Posted by emilytompkins
hey dimartini, the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist discourages beginners to have tanks under 40 gal. i have had F/W experiences so i have aquired some skill, but do you think a 24g nano is to hard for a beginner s/w tank?

Dont believe everything you read. I started out with Saltwater tank that was 10gal. I never had experience with freshwater nor do I still. Then I moved up to a 24gal. I highly recommend a 24gal over a 10gal. Dont be worried, its not that difficult to maintain a saltwater tank. It is just very expensive. Once all your paramaters are in check, as months go by your tank will mature and be easy to maintain as long as your keeping up with regular water changes since that is one of the important things to nano tanks, gotta be religious with water changes.


Originally Posted by Airforceman
sry if this is a stupid question but i'm sorta new too to S/W but very aged in F/W. Anyways, is ur tank the JBJ system? That's what i'm about to get (
)and i just have a few (newbie) questions on it.

Her tank is actually NOT a JBJ. Its an Oceanic Biocube. I recommend a JBJ however. :) My personal preference. I have a biocube as well, but if I can do it all over again, i'd go back to my 24gal JBJ nanocube.


Originally Posted by bigpete
hey dimartini. tank looks awesome. how long have you had your clam and under what lights? ive been thinking about pickin up a clam. hit me up via email

Bigpete, I think her lighting is 70watts of Metal Halide, correct me if im wrong dimartini.


Active Member
Hey everyone, sorry for the late replies. I've been really busy lately.
Originally Posted by bknow
you have one of the dopest looking tanks i've ever seen in my life!! your ricordia's are awsome! i'm gonna hit up that alameda store soon when i get some $...what's your corals right now by the way if you don't mind me have too many pages to look through so im lazy to look hahahaha =)
I have, a cat eye, frogspawn, blastos, alveopora, ricordeas, gsp, zoanthids and palythoas, clove polyps, acans, candy canes, plate coral, coco worm, and a clam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emilytompkins
hey dimartini, the book The Conscientious Marine Aquarist discourages beginners to have tanks under 40 gal. i have had F/W experiences so i have aquired some skill, but do you think a 24g nano is to hard for a beginner s/w tank?
I don't think that the 24g would be hard for beginners. I actually started with a old six gallon eclipse that I had, but then I wanted more fish and corals so I upgraded. So starting with a 24g should be fine, just do your research.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
Bigpete, I think her lighting is 70watts of Metal Halide, correct me if im wrong dimartini.
Yea, its a 70w halide.