DeMartini's 14G BioCube


upon reading that, I mean what I said in the most non-creepy sort of way. haha, sorry if it sounded stalkerish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PettyHoe
upon reading that, I mean what I said in the most non-creepy sort of way. haha, sorry if it sounded stalkerish.
I thought that was sweet, thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oak
Incredible tank. Also just wondering what fish do you have. Thanks
royal gramma and 2 true percs


Active Member
I just got a beautiful blueberry gorgonian today, so I'll take pictures tomorrow.
I noticed today that I got some Armor of God hitchhikers!!!! I bought some cheap pink palythoas for $20 a few months ago and I just noticed today that I have 7 armor of gods on the back of the rock. Armor of gods go for $25 a polyp, so I lucked out!!! :)


Hea DeMartini,
when you are taking more pics can you take some of your TRUE percs. as i want to see a pic of some actual ones...
as if you read my posts LFS won't have the false ones in as there shipments don't get them but they will get some TRUE ones in next week.. oh how much did you pay for your's if you don't mind as i would like an idea what i have to pay...
thanks.. keep up the good work...


Active Member
I'll take some pictures tonight and post them. I have been told that I got a good deal on my percs. I payed $50 for both. They are cool little fish.


I was thinking about getting some of those, would be nice to find a deal like that. Lookin forward to seein the pictures. How old is that tank if you don't mind me asking?


You have inspired me to focus on setting up a nano rather than upgrading my 55G. Do you think that the stock 12G Aquapod with the 2x27W PC's will be sufficient to get started on some corals or should I wait until I can get the MH setup? Thanks


One more thing do you think a 12G would be sufficient for a small goby, sixline, and a true perc with a cleaning crew? Thanks again. They might as well give you your own board on here. You could start a DeMartini advice column :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by PettyHoe
I was thinking about getting some of those, would be nice to find a deal like that. Lookin forward to seein the pictures. How old is that tank if you don't mind me asking?
It's been up for about 11 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cnall
You have inspired me to focus on setting up a nano rather than upgrading my 55G. Do you think that the stock 12G Aquapod with the 2x27W PC's will be sufficient to get started on some corals or should I wait until I can get the MH setup? Thanks
thank you! The aquapod is good and the stock lighting is enough for softies and most LPS.
the three fish you want sound good, just make sure you keep an eye on the sixline, because they tend to be territorial. Don't add the fish all at one and add the sixline last.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cnall
You have inspired me to focus on setting up a nano rather than upgrading my 55G. Do you think that the stock 12G Aquapod with the 2x27W PC's will be sufficient to get started on some corals or should I wait until I can get the MH setup? Thanks

it will be cheaper if you buy it with the lighting you want. if you go with mh lighting you could save 50 or more dollars. then you won't have two sets of lights for the same aquarium. just my thoughts.


just curious how your clown reacted to a new shrimp, sexy I believe. I have been to nervous to add a shrimp since I added my clown. I have a 24 g with 35+ lb. LR and 30 lb. LS. 2 fish and a brittle star besides loads of coral a couple of coco worms, and a couple of hawaiian FD.
Any feedback might encourage me to try , but I realize clowns are very different personality wise.


Active Member
You can add a shrimp. My percs never touched anything that I added into my tank.
what other fish do you have?


I just have a misbar perc adn a watchman goby. I realize overloading is not any concern when you don't have too many fish. As a catering chef, my schedule is constantly changing, and so too must my maintenence schedule. I have read these forums for a lng time and just now joined because I can not find info onwhy my newer coco worm won't show face. I have added other corals since I recieved the coco worm adn they are happy and eating, fully expanding, etc. The coco worm just barely goes out and then back in, now mostly at night. I have moved him to a horizontal (based on algae growth on the tube I am inclined to believe that is the only way it was positioned before) position in a low flow, low light area. I know it has not dropped its crown, cuz i see the top of it from time to time. Hey, have you added new fish after your percs? I would like to get a mandarin -- my copepod populaiton is ridiculous and my tnak has been up for almost 2 years.
Nonetheless, great pics/tank/info.
How long have you been in the practice?


Hey martini, I just recieved a large rock of xenia with about 10 polyps, do you think mysis and brine shrimp mixture would be good enough to feed them? Or do I need the cycopleeze? And they are sitting on top of a 29 G biocube, is that too much light? Thanks.