DeMartini's 14G BioCube


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo_66
hi De, how did your alveorpora do under the PC's? would you consider them hardy? i saw on at my LFS and wanted one, i had no research.
they lived, but they got really bleached. Now that I have MH lighting they are starting to regain their color. They need nutrient dense water and don't last very long in captivity. They are beautiful, but I don't suggest them for an aquarium.


hey De, im heading to the LFS today to look at getting new coral(s)...i know youve had a lot of experience with many different corals so i was gonna ask for your input on what would be a nice looking hardy coral?
20 gal bowfront stock lighting still


only 24 w 50/ a 150 w MH clamp on that the parents bought me, but sadly my mom refuses to give it to me saying that its an easter present!!! hahahahah!! not a bad easter present and i cant complain, but i just wished the easter bunny would come a little earlier!!


Active Member
You should wait until you get the new lights before you get coral. You only have a little over 1w per gallon and almost any coral will bleach by the time easter came.


DeMartini, is your tank an aquapod or a biocube? i must have missed it somewhere.


DeMartini, I love your ricordias! They are so beautiful! I just got a few of the green ones myself off of this site, and they are quite nice, but they look nothing like your's. They are nowhere near as big, nor as colorful. Also, one of them keeps floating around and I have no idea how to get it to stick to the rock :(
Is there anything I should be doing to make them nicer? I have stock lighting on a 29g biocube, do I need better lighting? Also, do you feed them? How would you recommend sticking them on the rock?
Thanks :)
Also, your tank is amazing!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zexx
DeMartini, I love your ricordias! They are so beautiful! I just got a few of the green ones myself off of this site, and they are quite nice, but they look nothing like your's. They are nowhere near as big, nor as colorful. Also, one of them keeps floating around and I have no idea how to get it to stick to the rock :(
Is there anything I should be doing to make them nicer? I have stock lighting on a 29g biocube, do I need better lighting? Also, do you feed them? How would you recommend sticking them on the rock?
Thanks :)
Also, your tank is amazing!
Just give them some time to get acclimated to your tank, they will puff up. To attach it to a rock, use some mesh and rubber band to hold them down against a rock. After a week or two they will attach the rock. Your lights are enough for them, but they will grow and split faster if you feed them.


De, do you directly feed any/all of your corals? If so, what do you feed them, I'm still a noob and was under the impression that most corals just needed the light, but after researching I learned that that is not the case, but could never find a straight answer as to what to feed them. Any input?


Active Member
about 3 nights a week I defrost some cyclopeeze in saltwater and squirt it towards the corals. I also add DT's phytoplankton about twice a week for the filter feeders. Most LPS are able to eat mysis, so they also eat when I feed my fish.


New Member
Wow ! DeMartini!! Thats a ...... tank. No word are enough to describe. I was just staring at 'em.
I just got into marine aquarium and went and bought a 75 gallon thinking I need a lot of volume to keep verything nice. Already spend $$$ on accessories, when I could have had one of the nanos with evrything built in.

vti eg6

Sorry for bumping an old thread, But your tank is great. I plan on setting up something small for my niece this summer.
I'm trying my best to read up a lot before I make my decision on a tank.


Your tank is as beautiful as you are. It's quite inspiring, hope my 29 gallon turns out like that. I've pretty much modeled mine after yours, thank you for all the tips so far.