
bang guy

Thank you Cincinnati! Guess I'm tired. Anoxic = Low Oxygen and Anaerobic = No Oxygen. I appreciate the help :) I fixed my post.


So I'll take it you guys are all coral junkies and farmers. I prefer a peaceful tank of fish to a pile of dirty rocks . And oh by the way thanks for introducing me to another board of know-it-alls who fight among themselves to prove who's right


Active Member
Largeload- I think you have the wrong opinion of this.... Although there have been a few posts that serve no purpose other than trying to degrade someone or their opinions, most of them have been educated responses. I don't think anyone has tried to prove themself as a know it all... If we didn't disagree with each other or question the opinions of someone else then we would never learn. We would all probably still be using undergravel filters and crushed coral and still killing countless animals because of our misunderstanding to their needs. I enjoy civilized debates very much, and they have always been a part of everything i have ever done.


Active Member
My 125 FOWLR Aggressive (messy eaters/hard to keep a clean up crew) runs <20 ppm NitrAte <4 on No3 test...
I run a type/anoxic, My friend runs a coiled tube/drip denitrator in his FO tank...
But these are run in conjunction with other "systems/methods" ie:refugium/macros, Skimmer, LR/LS, water changes, monitored feeding, etc...
They are not a cure all or a replacement for proper "aqua management" and need to be looked at in a much larger picture than "just add plants" or "DSB" or "Just add a bottle of this"


Thank you squid I'm just trying to find out a few things. I've dabbled in this hobby since I was 18 I'm 52 now and I am anxious to learn but I also want to do a little research on this idea. Could you tell me did you start deniting from a new tank or after it was established? What size coil are you using? Are you all fish or reef? What size tank? How long between water changes? What kind of readings are you getting? Does your coil have bio-balls in it (Isaw a diagram with them in to increase surface area)? Is it prefiltration or post? Thats a start if you can answer those questions. Don't get me wrong I just got frustrated trying to get a response like yours. I'm sure those previous posters are trying to help but you can understand my interest Thanks again


Thank you squid I'm just trying to find out a few things. I've dabbled in this hobby since I was 18 I'm 52 now and I am anxious to learn but I also want to do a little research on this idea. Could you tell me did you start deniting from a new tank or after it was established? What size coil are you using? Are you all fish or reef? What size tank? How long between water changes? What kind of readings are you getting? Does your coil have bio-balls in it (Isaw a diagram with them in to increase surface area)? Is it prefiltration or post? Thats a start if you can answer those questions. Don't get me wrong I just got frustrated trying to get a response like yours. I'm sure those previous posters are trying to help but you can understand my interest Thanks again


Active Member
Originally posted by largeload Thank you squid I'm just trying to find out a few things. I've dabbled in this hobby since I was 18 I'm 52 now and I am anxious to learn but I also want to do a little research on this idea.
My interest in denitrators came mostly from the two "fish buddies"/"mentors" that got me started in this hobby...each of them has over twenty years in the hobby and had a lot of "experiance" and advice to offer...One thing that intreguied me was they both used denitrators in various forms...Not being one to jump on the band wagon because someone said "you should have one of these" I also did a lot of research on the "how" and " why" they work...and then took those biological principals and some of the "mechanics" and applied them to my own system.
Could you tell me did you start deniting from a new tank or after it was established?

I put mine in a relatively new tank, after I observed the effects a denitrator had on a larger established system... One "mentor/buddy" owns a LFS and installed a large unit (30' of 6"PVC with 25 cu ft. of bioballs on a large bank of connected tanks, NO3 from 60 to <10 over the course of a couple months)
What size coil are you using?

I use a "box" system, my other buddy has a 4' tube and coil
Are you all fish or reef? What size tank?

I have one of each, the denitrator is in the 125 FOWLR Aggressive.
How long between water changes? What kind of readings are you getting?

...Probably longer than I "should", but I do do regular partial WC...The tank has never gone over 20ppm I thought I had a bad test kit, I bought a new La Motte, thought I made a mistake getting the "low range" kit till I found my readings to be only 3-4 NO3...
Does your coil have bio-balls in it (Isaw a diagram with them in to increase surface area)? Is it prefiltration or post?

It's actually a "box of rocks" designed to increase oxic,sub oxic and anoxic "zones", surface area for anaerobic bacteria to convert NitrAtes to on the same principal as the tube and coil systems...different "packaging" It's in the tank and part of the "whole" biological system...
Thats a start if you can answer those questions.

Don't forget that this is only a "part" of a larger "system" that includes LR/LS, a skimmer a refugium with macros and monitored feeding and not a "one peice Panacia" for all your troubles...
Don't get me wrong I just got frustrated trying to get a response like yours. I'm sure those previous posters are trying to help but you can understand my interest Thanks again

Good Luck on your "Quest"


A great help thanks sqidward, my kid loves spongebob. I've got this 125, had it for 10 yrs. never set up. I built a wet dry out of a 29 I also built a protein skimmer out of 6 in. pvc with a 2500 rio. I tested the skimmer with fresh water only gets a lot of air but I want to see how it works with a load on , might go down to 4 in. I think I'm going to try the deniter with the 6 in. pvc mainly because more is better and the materials are almost free. Those agressives tend to put a heavy load on the system you might want to try a diaper. I like the daintier stuff butterflies angels tangs and blennies with a few oddballs for style. Thanks again


I hate to sound really stupid here but exactly what kind of plant life are you referring to that will reduce the nitrates. Are you talking about algae or some other kind of plant life like the barbers brush I bought from that died in 2 weeks. I would like to add some live plants but I am looking for some that are easy to care for.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by largeload
So I'll take it you guys are all coral junkies and farmers. I prefer a peaceful tank of fish to a pile of dirty rocks . And oh by the way thanks for introducing me to another board of know-it-alls who fight among themselves to prove who's right

Large: Sorry we come across as know it all. Just wanted to thank you for this thread. It has been very informative. BTW Although I do have a few corals, I think FO tanks are awesome also.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by C130bubba
I hate to sound really stupid here but exactly what kind of plant life are you referring to that will reduce the nitrates. Are you talking about algae or some other kind of plant life like the barbers brush I bought from that died in 2 weeks. I would like to add some live plants but I am looking for some that are easy to care for.

Perhaps you could start another thread. I am sure many would like to respond. And that thread could concentrate on you specific question.