Hey all, we have a 55 gallon tank with a pair of clowns, clown wrasse and tomini tang in it. Wanted to add a diamond goby to the mix IF the eggcrate will keep it on the inside of the tank that is.
1 1/2 - 2 inch sand bed but we do have an additional 20lb bag of live sand that we intend to add as soon as we do the next water change so that we can use the discard water to kind of rinse the sand a bit.
So anyone have experience with this fish and eggcrate?? Would love to know if you guys thing the eggcrate will keep him in or if we should just look for a different ground dwelling fish instead. Thanks for the help.
1 1/2 - 2 inch sand bed but we do have an additional 20lb bag of live sand that we intend to add as soon as we do the next water change so that we can use the discard water to kind of rinse the sand a bit.
So anyone have experience with this fish and eggcrate?? Would love to know if you guys thing the eggcrate will keep him in or if we should just look for a different ground dwelling fish instead. Thanks for the help.