Originally Posted by
Hate to ask, but do you have an anemone in your tank?
No anemone yet
Originally Posted by EGILL
I have about 130lb of live rock in my 75g so there's not telling where he hangs out all day. I did get a glipse of him today but the dogs scared him.
Thanks for the reply, I hope it hiding
Originally Posted by Flower
I purchased a diamond goby just resently...it was much smaller than any I ever had before...it hid for 4 weeks, I was sure it was dead. Everyone kept insisting it must be in there if I hadn't found it around the tank to have jumped...
Well my sister said she saw it..I didn't. A week later it was out..and has been out and sifting sand ever since. I figure it needed to be sure the tank mates wouldn't hurt him, everytime a fish swam near, he darted back into the rocks, that first week when he came out. Once he was sure he was safe, he is a happy as a goby can be.
The yellow wrasse I purchased at the same time has yet to show himself....
ya this one is tiny smaller then a pinky , ill keep my fingers crossed.
I know what you guys mean about the rocks ,but I put light defuser on the bottem then the liverock followed by the live sand to avoid a colapse when adding a digging fish.
I sat in front of the tank for 2 hours,no sight of him.
its a waiting game