Diatoms are getting on my nerves. My tanks a mature set up. Ive been using phos zorb as precautionary measure ever since the cycling tank diatoms and I havent had them since.The sand gets a rusty tan color not dark brown everyday after the lights come on.Its only on the sand.I dont think its the lights because 2 of them are fairly new(day bulbs). I tried having 2 on at a time(actinics only then daylights only) still get em.Ive got 3 PHs,an Aquaclear 300,Seaclone skimmer, and a Emperor 400.Flows not a problem.I got a good clean up crew.The sand's clean every mornning.These are the recent things Ive done before this and my thoughts on it.
1-Switched to eggcrate.Tanks brighter.Maybe it needs to get used to it?
2-Cleaned out both filters at the same time and(oops) found some big sponges in the Emperor. Maybe started a 2nd cycle ?
3-Distubed sandbed alot catching tiny snails.Maybe released something?
Extra info:
Water Changes have no effect. Nitrates steady at 10.Have been using tap h2o since day1 but didnt have the problem before. No cyano.Sorry no phosphate kit. Have some grape caulerpa in but Turbo snails ate most of it.I noticed some micro-bubbles on the diatoms.
Any help will be appreciated.Thanks.
1-Switched to eggcrate.Tanks brighter.Maybe it needs to get used to it?
2-Cleaned out both filters at the same time and(oops) found some big sponges in the Emperor. Maybe started a 2nd cycle ?
3-Distubed sandbed alot catching tiny snails.Maybe released something?
Extra info:
Water Changes have no effect. Nitrates steady at 10.Have been using tap h2o since day1 but didnt have the problem before. No cyano.Sorry no phosphate kit. Have some grape caulerpa in but Turbo snails ate most of it.I noticed some micro-bubbles on the diatoms.
Any help will be appreciated.Thanks.