

New Member
After reading some of the threads about the brown stuff in the sand being diatoms, can anyone tell me if they are a threat to the fish and how to get rid of them. :notsure:


I have also been trying to figure that question out as well. I don't think they are a threat to your fish. I will look it up in some books I have and seach some other sites about it try to find out about it and get back to you.

bang guy

Diatoms are not a threat to fish. They are a single celled algae that is used for food by many animals including fish, snails, clams, etc. They are just unsightly when there's an overabundance.
The best way to restrict Diatom blooms is by minimizing the amount of Silicate you add to your tank. Silicate is the basic building block for Diatoms and are available by the truckload in tap water. RO typically removes 70% of Silicate from tap water, DI will remove about 97%. The Hi-S RO membranes will remove about 95%.


New Member
:D ok thanks Bang Guy, this is all still kind of new to me and it does look rather awful in my tank.