Originally Posted by
jmick, kudos for being able to throw away food when you're full... i cannot do that, i feel guilty for not eating it, and i feel even more guilty if i buy it at a restaraunt and don't eat it at all... i also agree that it's harder for women. Our bodies are built to hold that extra flab in order to keep our babies warm when we're pregnant, so it's difficult to lose weight.
and hagfish!!! I tried what you said with the bell peppers and onions. I made a stir fry type of dish with chicken, bell peppers and onions, sauted them in olive oil with some seasonings, and it was to die for!!! My hubby made me promise i would make it again today!
It was soooo yummy and healthy at the same time... i guess this will work after all
i'm eating a bowl of cereal in the morning (and not a huge bowl like i used to), a couple of pieces of fruit for lunch, and meat and veggies for dinner. No more pop or any other type of drink, only water. That combined with working out for an hour every day should get me fit in no time!
AAAANNNDD, what's even better, I'M GOING TO HAWAII IN JANUARY!!! My dad was going to just take my mom for her 50th b-day, but he's decided to take the whole family! I'm soooo psyched!!! YAY!
I'm glad to hear you liked that recipe. I actually cooked it last night too. Yummy
It's a shame that many of our parents pushed guilt on us if we didn't clean our plates. I really think that is something people need to unlearn. What is there to feel guilty about anyway, it's not like McDonalds or whoever was going to give that food to the poor if you didn't buy it (not likely anyway).