different size clown fish


New Member
HI guys! I have a 6 mo old perc clown. I want to get him a partner but the lfs said the one I have now would pick on a new one because the new guy will be smaller. Does this sound right??


Active Member
I've heard that if you are going to add another one it should be smaller than the one you already have. Even then it is a 50/50 chance they will get along.


We just added a ocellaris clown to go with the one we've had in the tank for at least a month and they immediately started hanging out together. Only been one full day, and while they're not what I'd call inseperable, they usually don't get too far apart from one another, or for very long. Our older clown Lucy will usually take the lead, with the new clown Desi tagging along. Once in a while they'll be at opposite ends of the tank, but then they'll quickly get back together.
Way too soon to see if they'll form a pair, but so far so good. Desi is a bit smaller than Lucy, but not too much, maybe about 3/8" shorter. My hope is that Desi is small enough for Lucy to become the female of a pairing, but large enough so that she won't pick on him.


You want a smaller clown or a much larger clown. If you choose the smaller make sure it is healthy as it is likely to take atleast a little abuse from the bigger one. If they are equal in size you will most likely have a fight on your hands. You may also get lucky and one will be a female and the other not.


I have a pair of mated true percs (male 4in female 5 1/2in), and a saddle back (7in) in a 75gal. I had a false perc (2in) and a tomato (6in) with odd coloration in my 125gal. The 75gal developed a leaky bulk head so everybody had to share the 125gal for a couple of days. All of the clowns hung out together in one end of my 125gal. No fights and it was almost like they were schooling. The false actually started to hang around the female true for a bit if you know what I mean.

bang guy

Originally Posted by candwill
HI guys! I have a 6 mo old perc clown. I want to get him a partner but the lfs said the one I have now would pick on a new one because the new guy will be smaller. Does this sound right??
Is it really 6 months old or is it that you've had the Clown for 6 months? If it's truly 6 months old then you can add any size Percula and they will probably bond.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Is it really 6 months old or is it that you've had the Clown for 6 months? If it's truly 6 months old then you can add any size Percula and they will probably bond.
OH, I never thought about that! I've had the clown for 6 months. I have no idea how old he really is.

bang guy

In that case it's probably at least a year old. It may or may not have matured by now. To be safe I would suggest adding the smallest Percula you can find.