Difficult fish that you've had luck keeping?


Beautiful anthias!
In regards to the ***** fish, I got my picasso trigger and pajama cardinal from there and they're doing fine. However, I do see many of your points concerning the frequent ich outbreaks, underfed specimens, etc. I consider those two guys my "rescued" fish.


I'm pretty cautious when buying or adding new fish. The most daring I got was with a brackish Leopard Puffer. Kept him for about a year before catastrophe struck my tank.


New Member
In my hayday of freshwater I had two 22 inch silver arawanas and a 14 inch australian arawana coexisting in the same tank. I also had a blue arawana in a different tank. For some people they can be sensitive, but the trick was the fact that they didn't kill each other. Eventually I did have to seperate them because all hell broke loose. But It was cool while it lasted. I also had a really big tiger shovelnose and red tail cat in there, among with a few other cichlids. The aussie got to be about 16inches and fat, and finally jumped out while we were gone and the mini pinscher ate him and drug him around the house.
I now only have the 150 gallon reef tank, which I am new at. I however was an old hand at fresh.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Kept a Rock Beauty angel for almost two years. Have also kept a couple Potter's angels (success with these fish is measured in years, not months).
I've also maintained several butterflies for extended periods of time. Sometimes you luck onto a hardy specimen that defies the odds or the "books".
impressive, never heard of a rock beauty surviving for months much less 2 years, any secrets?


spotfin butterfly's about the size of a nickel that I cought myself in New Jersey. And a geometric pygmy hawk that I still have not been able to wean off of live brine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ci11337
just learned how to post pics so i figured i'd show off my anthias.

Is that anthias yellow?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
why are rock beauty's supposed to be so hard to keep ?
Their natural diet basically consists of sponges and they seem to die mysteriously if sponge does not makeup a large portion of their diet, even if eating other foods.


yea i caught three actually. every year when the gulf stream switches a whole bunch of tropicals get blown up this way when they are eggs and end up in jersey. I have also seen sgt majors, lookdowns, and schooling jacks. Here is a pic of 2 of my guys that I think paired up.


Active Member
man thats crazy i never saw tropicals when i was in NJ
alyssia that PSA appears to have male coloration. i have a male and they can be quite aggressive. the males are more sherbert orange or mango and salmon as opposed to the females that are bright electric magentas


they are only around from middle to end july through october. Sadly the freeze and die when the water temp drops into the low 60's.


Active Member
I had a pair of Harlequin Shrimp for over 3 years. They actually mated several times but I don't know what happended to the eggs. At the time there had only been 6 pair documented to have mated in captivity. No hatchings were recorded. I sold them to the zoo.


Active Member
hmmm i duno i really havent tried keping any really hard fish but ive had my mandarin now for over 3 years i guess thats kinda good considering my LR didnt have much copepods back then


I have a bicolor angel that I've kept for about 3 yrs now...they are supposedly hard to maintain :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
alyssia that PSA appears to have male coloration.
I think it could just be the lighting or camera...or changeing from FM to male....heres mine under 14K and FMs are just a plain bright orange IMO..


Originally Posted by Jupoc911
yea i caught three actually. every year when the gulf stream switches a whole bunch of tropicals get blown up this way when they are eggs and end up in jersey. I have also seen sgt majors, lookdowns, and schooling jacks. Here is a pic of 2 of my guys that I think paired up.
sweet butterflys, and its even better that you have a pair. keep us informed if they breed or anything.


Active Member
are you sure thats a FM dogstar? mine is very similar and i was certain that it was a male because of its unusual aggressiveness and that all the ones in the stores are flourescesnt pinks and magentas. i havent seen these in colors since i bought mine.


I've had my powder blue tang 6 months and i did have a small ich issue with him about 2 months in. He is doing great now very fat, very healthy and looks great. So many people warned me about getting a powder blue but i wanted to try and see how i did. I am proud to say it has gone very well although sometimes he nips at certain corals which can be aggravating.