Dinoflagellates and seahorses


Active Member
Hope you like my really gross pictures. This tank was cleaned friday. The pipes were taken out and scrubbed.


shrimpy brains

That bites!!!
Ok, so that looks alot like cyano! How do you tell the dfference?
All params are good?
What is the lighting on this tank?
I know, stupid questions(cuz you know these) but something has to be feeding it, right?


Active Member
bulbs are new - T5s. Run phosban reactor, huge skimmer. Need to take new readings, but everything seems to be in order.


Don't quote me on this - you'll have to double check. I THINK I recall reading on another message board if you increase the Magnesium in the tank to like 1600 or 1700 it helps. I think it was for dino. Something with the pH too. I didn't really pay too much attention and commit it to memory. The high Mag can cause an issue with something - but I don't remember what it was.
I know... I'm a lot of help. LOL Sorry!


The high mag will kill inverts....I was going to do this to help rid my hair algae....I decided against it at the cost of all my inverts


For some reason I'm thinking that Ultralife Red Slime Remover would help with dinoflagellates too. I have no idea where I may have seen it, and I may be making it up. The horses look good though.

shrimpy brains

I'm sure you have a local reef club! I wonder what would happen if you could borrow 3 or 4 sea hares for a couple months.

I bet they would make short work of that!!


Active Member
I have a seahare, dosent touch it.
I added a hob filter with some more phoslock to see what that does. I also have pickling lime, may try raising the ph and see what that does. I want some expert seahorse advise, so I went to my other site, to see if it is safe for the horses before using the lime. if all else fails, I will tear down and reset up with all dead rock and new sand.

shrimpy brains

So sorry, T! I have no good ideas for you. Your tank, horses, and fish look great(except for the dinos) Bummer!


Well-Known Member
OK, so it's thicker and....what's the word.....snottier looking than cyano. It still has the bubbles trapped in it, and I'll admit it looks pretty close to cyano. I'm sorry for all your troubles; I know you've been dealing with this for a while now.
On the other fin, I'll second the comment about your horses and fish! They look great!

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by novahobbies
OK, so it's thicker and....what's the word.....snottier
looking than cyano. It still has the bubbles trapped in it, and I'll admit it looks pretty close to cyano. I'm sorry for all your troubles; I know you've been dealing with this for a while now.
On the other fin, I'll second the comment about your horses and fish! They look great!
Thanks, Nova! It truly was a legitimate question. Looked the same to me.

Now I know!


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
lol Beats me!
ANYWAY....From what I have read about these dino things....they SUK big time......as you are finding out.....One guy threw in the towel and got rid of his tank

I sure hope you have the patience for this T.....I know right now....I would not be able to handle it :(