Dirty sand


New Member
Hi all
i have a 125 reef and i cant keep the sand serfece clean kinda like dirt on top of my sand. its kinda like a light brown color sorta like a film almost. Im guessing its food or something but that wouldent make much sence as i have only one fish and he feeds him self i have about 135lbs of LR and 145lbs LS anyone have any idea how to keep the serfece of my sand cleaner???

bang guy

Does your sandbed have a good quantity of worms and 'pods? They should be cleaning up the leftovers for you.


New Member
i have a brittle star not sure about the worms and pods dont really look in at night i hve about 65 bule legs and 45 turbo snails
i only have 1 fish and i dont feed the tank so i have no clue where the wast is comeing from
thanks for the help:)


New Member
no its not an alge type its almost like sand if you hit it with the power head it blows all over


New Member
posible altough i dont know what that is really isent it like food for spounges and things? i do have tones and tones of spounges under my rock work large one to my lfs guy said i could house a moorish idle for about 2 years with the food i have in there lol. i am hopeing to get one one day as i only have 1 small fish lost in my big tank :)


New Member
i real dont have much now i moved my tank to my new house so i sold all my corals to the lfs where i use to live it was a 5 hour drive and my rock and some corals where in rubber made tubs for about a day luckly nothing died:D a very small portion on my live rock turnd white though :( but its coming back fast ive had my tank set up 2 1/2 years. it has bin set up for about 3 days now and every thing is almost back to normal. as far as whats in the tank i have a few assorted masrooms and green star poylps sold the rest dident whant to take any chances of lossing my money from the move and this problem was befor the move as well thanks for the help


New Member

Originally posted by nolofinwe
im sure your aware already, but a moorish idol is a great way to throw 40 bucks into the toilet

a buddy of mine has 3 in his 180gal. thay eat well and have bin thriveing in his tank for about 4 years we have done alot of book reading on them however im not ready for them as i still use tap water:mad: that will change soon as the tap water here isent nearly as good as where i use to live
witch ro unit should i get?


If you are using tap water then I will echo what was already said. It is very likely a diatom bloom you are seeing. I believe the silicates that you get with tap water can contribute to this.


New Member
thay eat sponuges in his reef as well he feeds them live brime frozen brime and green seaweed reef plus and some type of shrimp i think its mysa think thats how it is spelled thay also nip at the rocks i guess there eating pods he got the frist 1 from his lfs and then he bought the outher ones at an online store. he has lost 2 he had 5 unfournetly 2 died but the outher ones are very health hes building a new tank in his base ment a very large one for them cuzz thay are geting pretty big and he whants to have like 6 in there with a huge reef and all
heres where we buy stuff


New Member
i was looking at some critters on this site under u build it i was wondering if the sand sifting crab would help what you think?