

Active Member
I stopped and picked up my clean up crew...12 blue leg crabs and 6 turbo snails.
I got home, acclimated them for over an hour. I was VERY careful putting my new critters in, not getting any strange water in my tank, but also being very kind to my critters.
Well, out of 12 crabs, only 3, THREE, of my crabs started moving about and eating, having a great time!! The rest of them are, nothing, NOTHING!! I'm so disappointed!!! Snails are all doing great, by the way.
I kind of suspected that something was wrong when the 2 LFS employees went back to get my guys, and stood and had kind of a lengthy discussion about them...
I'm calling tomorrow to see what they'll do about this. I couldn't call tonight because by the time I had them properly acclimated and in the water, the shop was closed...
Suggestions anyone? Geez...


You have to be carefull with that some of those lfs will really rip u off
They might not do anything
Brad :joy:


Active Member
They should be moving around within 24 hours. Just give em some time :p
If those hermits havent started moving around in 24 hours though, then I would get suspicious.


Are you sure they were alive when you purchased them?? If your not sure, take em out of the tank and smell them. LFS people usually just reach in and grab a shell, they don't look first.


i bought a batch of them, and 1 was an empty shell, i called right away and they gave me credit for it... call them right now, and tell them you think they are empty and that youre giving it a day


can u see them? or theirs just a hole? they maybe empty. i got ones that were empty. i did go to a lfs and ask if i can have some empty shells for my hermits. the whole bottem of tank was shells. they just gave them to me. and what do u know, about 3 out of 50 were empty the rest were snails. lol i kept most and gave some to my friend. so try to check before u buy. if u pick them up they should pop their heads out.


Active Member
My LFS ordered them for me yesterday to be delivered today. No, I didn't smell them, and I didn't really notice anything wrong when I opened the bags. My suspicion is that that the employees I was dealing with today could see that something was wrong...hence the long conversation when I went to pick my little guys up...
mudplayerex suggested waiting 24 hours to see if they come around. I'm willing to do that...actually I don't really have a choice at this point. I really trusted the girl I was dealing with at the LFS...live and learn, I guess.
Thanks again,
Lisa :happyfish


I'm so sorry about that. But, for future reference actually look at them and see them moving before you walk out the store. Unless you tell them the shells were empty they probably won't do anything about it. Usually no gaurantee with SW critters. I wouldn't give up without a fight though. Also, they might be molting. It's a good thing to wait a while. They will stay put for some time while they do this. If you see little extra crab bodies later they are more than likely molts. They look just like the real thing but out of the shell. Also, do you have extra shells? The crabs will switch shells every now and then and if there aren't any they might take someone else's shell. One of my red legs switched shells three times in one day! Just couldn't get comfy.
I wish you much luck. Are you enjoying your new critters though? I'm excited for you...Ant. :)


Active Member
Hi Ant,
I'm excited, but disappointed...
I just couldn't believe that that great of percentage of my crabs would, well, you know...so, do I need to watch for an ammonia spike because of this? Geez...I'm really bummed...Any help is appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I just did a flashlight check and it really looks like my crabs are coming around. AND... Speedy has made his presence known for the first time in DAYS!! I keep finding little "bug-like" things on my live rock and even on my base rock, is that OK?
I will keep you updated on progress.
Thank you!!!
Lisa :happyfish


WHEW!! :jumping: Good, I'm so glad they are all coming around. I know that's a relief for you. I understand what you mean about the bugs on your rock and from my understanding that is all good. I remember asking those same questions. Ant.


Yea the little "bugs" are just different type of Arthropods and Copepods. I feel ya on the crabs though, I have had that happen soo many times, but more often then not Ill buy 15 of them and within the day 2 or 3 of them have killed the rest so I generally just get about 5 hermits and an Emerald crab or two to pickup the slack.


Active Member
Well, this morning I have only 4 out of 12 crabs out and about, the rest...nothing.
I'll be calling the shop today to see what they'll do for me. Still happy though that my little Speedy was out and about last night...little bugger!!
Lisa :happyfish


MonaLisa, you may not see your hermits for a while if you have a bunch of LR. I have 25-30 scarlets and only see anywhere from 5-10 at any given time. Give them some time to settle in.


Active Member
HI Lisa- wish this was going better for you. So have you done the sniff test? My blue legs are definatly a lot more active than my red legs, but they still sometimes stay put in a spot of rock for a long time. You may just have quite a buffet set up for them so they do not have to go too far. If they don't smell horrible they are alive, unless of course it is an empty shell. I don't know if you noticed or not but anytime I am acclimating hermits they are out and about in the bucket. If things were not moving then maybe you did get some duds.


Active Member
I took a really good look this morning, and the "crabs" that aren't moving are just empty shells. I'm calling the shop today to let them know this, and hopefully get some replacements since that's 7 out of 12 crabs that are empty!!
I had a very exciting time last evening. I was doing flashlight checks after lights out and I found a 2 1/2 inch bristle worm...Freaked me out at first!! And I've got all kinds of little pods crawling over my rocks...very exciting to see, not to mention that I also saw Speedy out and about, that's the first time I've seen him in almost a week!! I was convinced we'd lost him...isn't this just FUN? :jumping:


If they are anything like the LFS around me, they will tell you that the crab most likely died in the night and that Salt Water livestock have no gaurantee and there is nothing they can do.


Active Member
If you can use a whole package of cleaners in the future, I highly recommend SWF.com.
I ordered the "in the mix" cleaner crew plus a 10 for $10 bunch of cerith snails. I only found 1 empty shell in the lot. There has been some mortal combat and one snail and one scarlet crab just kind of died (natural causes i guess), but I am very happy with my purchase.
Side note: I acclimated all the critters (except the C.B. shrimp) together. This had to be abbreviated due to tankmates looking too much like lunch.
Anyway, SWF.com has good cleaners. And a guarantee!
Good luck.