

Active Member
Lisa- I am so jealous of your critters!! (the ones that hitch hked in that is). Speedy and a big bristle. Very cool! I just picked up 30 #'s live rock today for the new set up. So far I have spied an astrea snail and a few baby brittle stars. I am so worried they are going to get sucked in the filtration that I have everything off until they have a chance to settle...... :confused:
I can't believe you have 7 empty shells!! That is crazy. Definatly take them back. That is horrible business on their part. Good luck with it, let us know what happens. :)


Active Member
I called the LFS and talked to the girl that I ordered my 'lil guys from. No questions asked, she's giving me credit for those crabs. That makes me feel a bit better.
Thanks for the head's up Farmboy. I'll have to go do some browsing.
Fishmamma, very cool haul on your live rock!!! I would love to see some brittle stars in my tank ('specially if I didn't have to pay for them :D )
Thanks loads everybody...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I decided that I would really like to order the rest of my clean up crew from this site. I figured on ordering the package of 10 bluelegs, 3 emeralds, and 2 brittle stars. When I got to check out, I was flagged that I need a minimum order of 79.00...is that right? I know that the reef package is a great deal...did the math...but I was really hoping to be able to customize my order. Am I missing something?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
OK, I got on SWF.com and ordered additions to my clean up crew...really need more umph in there. This is what I ordered, tell me what you think:
10 scarlet hermits
10 bluelegs (like the ones that are in there...only 4 right now)
3 emerald crabs
2 brittle stars
1 coral banded shrimp
2 queen conchs
I know, I know, it would probably have been cheaper to go with one of the set up packages, but I really wanted to get what I wanted in there...please bare with me. I already have 6 turbos in there, 4 blueleg crabs and Speedy, so I really couldn't see putting more snails in.
Let me know what you think. I'm excited!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your hermits. I had a similar experience once. One of the ladies was getting some hermits for me, but in the middle of it all, we decided to scoop up some goldfish and throw them into a tank with a giant moray eel. We were having so much fun that we didn't notice that she had only grabbed 10 hermits when I paid for 20. Oh well, they've hooked me up with so much free stuff there that I didn't call them.
Good luck with your new order. Keep in mind that you probably want to research any inverts you buy from now on since you have a coral banded shrimp. CB shrimp are very aggressive towards other shrimp. Actually, I plan to buy one tomorrow to hunt down and kill 3 saron shrimp I can't catch.


Hey, Lisa
I've been offline for several days and haven't been reading the board here. So...who is Speedy?


Active Member
Will my CB shrimp be OK with corals and such...eventually, I mean. At this point I have a very pretty polyp of some kind, some featherdusters- like 9 of them (hitch hikers) I will definitely keep your advice in mind. Please advise...
Thanks a lot...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Got to thinking Mud, is there any way to change my CB shrimp to a peppermint?
Please let me know...
thanks again,
Lisa :happyfish


Mona, the CBS is reef safe so he shouldn't harm any corals you have. He's a scavenger and will eat whatever is left on the bottom of the tank after you feed your fish.
And about changing him, you should be able to change him. Just take him back to the LFS and exchange him. Make sure you get a true peppermint though, as they won't eat corals. If you get a camelback which is sometimes confused, it will eat corals.


Active Member
I ordered these inverts from SWF.com. I'm feeling really confident that I will get what I need. Also, I read that queen conchs should be kept 1 in every 20 gals...I have a 37 gal, is that going to be OK? shoulda looked at that...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I'd just keep the CB shrimp if I were you. Th other shrimp like peppermint shrimp, camel back shrimp, saron shrimp, etc are prone to eat coral polyps if they aren't getting enough to eat. Its just a good idea not to have the shrimp I listed if you plan on corals. I told people that they were wrong when they told me some shrimp will eat corals, but I found out the hard way.
Another good shrimp selection is a cleaner shrimp. They are neat-looking, reef safe, and will even help your fish stay free of disease. You might also want to look into getting a blue or purple lobster, but not with the CB shrimp.
ps- the sales page on this site also says that you shouldn't have more than one mexican turbo snail per 20 gallons, but I have 5 in a 55 gallon tank and they are all fine. I wouldn't trust what the sales pages on this site say....better to come here and ask.


Active Member
Sorry I wasn't very clear there. The CB shrimp will probably tear the cleaner shrimp apart. Its really not safe to add any other shrimp with a CB shrimp. The CB shrimp is a good choice if you ask me though, they get nice and big, aren't afraid to come out right in the open, and they look really neat.
ps- just avoid the smaller, non-reef safe shrimp like the plague. I didn't heed that advice and it was such a hassle (still ongoing) to get rid of them. They will eventually nip at your corals.


Hi Lisa,

It really sounds like you're on your way. In for a penny, in for a pound :eek: But it's still fun. My vote for shrimp are the cleaners. I LOVE mine. His name is Jaques and he loves to clean my Gobi. He'd love to clean the others too but they won't stay still for him. He also cleans off my snails. I feed by hand and he comes right up to the top and eats from me. If I put my hand in the water he will sit on my fingers and eat off my hand. Really a fun personality. I have a pistol shrimp paired with my gobi so I LOVE him too. They are a riot to watch. And, I do have a peppermint shrimp but I know Mud hates them per a previous post and experience. I love the peppermint shrimp too. You don't see him as much but he scared away the apastasia I had and he cleaned Jaques of all his black spots he got. But, IMO, I'd much rather have a choice of shrimp in my tank then only one CB and no others. It's always hard choosing. Good luck! :happy:


Active Member
Really Ant?
your choice would be a CB shrimp? Did I read that right? :cheer:
I was getting a little worried about that. Also in my crew, I ordered 2 queen chonchs --best with 1/20 gals. I have a 37 gal, is that gonna be OK?
Thanks loads...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Really Ant?
your choice would be a CB shrimp? Did I read that right? :cheer:
I was getting a little worried about that. Also in my crew, I ordered 2 queen chonchs --best with 1/20 gals. I have a 37 gal, is that gonna be OK?
Thanks loads...
Lisa :happyfish

Yea, 2 queen conches in a 37 gallon is fine. This site's sales pages are really paranoid on some things :p I think Ant meant he'd rather not have a CB shrimp.


Mud is right. I'd rather have a variety of shrimp than only one CB shrimp. If you put any other shrimp in with him he'll eat them. But It's all preference. You have to ask yourself what kind of tank and evironment you want and go with it. I like having three different shrimp which all have different jobs and different personalities. Sorry for the confusion. Still wish you much luck. :joy:
P.S. Mud-I'm a girl.