Discovery Channel builds my 250 FOWLR Monday night!


Monster House "Under the Sea" episode airs on Discovery at 8 and 11PM Monday night. You will see them tear apart my living room to build, among other things, my aquarium, as we live outside in an RV for a week with no idea what is going on in the house. I'm really excited now to see how it was all done--especially since now I know that to go from nothing, to a tank full of fish, in a matter of days, is a highly unusual start.


Active Member
Just added it to my "must see tv". Looking forward to seeing it come together. You must be psyched!


You are so lucky, I love monster house. How did it feel not being able to know what they were doing to your house? I've got my reminder set for this episode, been waiting for a fish tank related one for awhile.


Just set the reminder on the TV...
It's described as
Monster House
A couple with a love for the ocean have the builders create an under-the-sea experience.
Sound about right??? :D
Look forward to it!
Thanks for the headsup!


I've never heard of this television show before... but thats awesome!


moopiespoo--We were not worrried at all about what was going on inside, because we were so psyched for change. As it turned out, they didn't change that much style wise. It wasn't half as outrageous as we'd pictured.
I actually thought they were putting in a much bigger tank, by all the steel and concrete they carried into the house. I had no idea, at the time, what maintenance costs if you have to pay someone to take care of it (as a newby like me must, for a while). I think we may be lucky they stopped at 250. I heard a rumor later that they had considered getting us one of those huge archway tanks, but they couldn't get it in fast enough, logistically, to work with the shoot schedule.
The fish we kept are doing great. Our professional fish guy is very pleased. We did send away several of the larger, messier fish to reduce the bioload and save maintenance/feeding cost and stress to the tank. And, 17 out of 25 of the little blue guys vanished mysteriously in the first 3 weeks. Only 2 bodies ever found. We also lost our lyretail wrasse suddenly, without sign of sickness--he just dropped dead about 2 weeks after the tank started. Otherwise, they are all doing wonderfully. Here is the final count:
8 little blue guys (damsels?)
5 yellow tangs
1 purple tang
1 flame angel
2 clowns
1 panther grouper
1 clown trigger
1 long nose butterfly
1 red hawkfish
We also took out almost all of the fake stuff. The tank is dressed very colorfully for TV, but for daily life, the look was just too high maintenance and fussy.


Active Member

Originally posted by MalibuPam
8 little blue guys (damsels?)
5 yellow tangs
1 purple tang
1 flame angel
2 clowns
1 panther grouper
1 clown trigger
1 long nose butterfly
1 red hawkfish

Just an FYI and IMO....I would lose the clown trigger considering the other fish in the tank. And the panther grouper may be the reason you don't have a lot of damsels left! The fish aren't the best combination.
Hopefully I'll get to watch!


I agree about the clown trigger. That is a decision I'm struggling with, b/c he is so much fun to watch. But I don't have live sand, and with the clown trigger, I can't have a clean up crew. I'm afraid he probably will have to go.
I've never seen the grouper threaten the littler fish; the only thing he ever wants to eat is krill. But something did away with those guys.


Active Member
I guarantee you that the panther grouper will go after other things, and they get HUGE!!! Cute when little though.


Active Member
Can't believe thats you i saw the previews and couldn't wait to watch. Thanks for the time didnt catch that on the commercial. Congrats on you house by the way


Active Member

Originally posted by MalibuPam
8 little blue guys (damsels?)
5 yellow tangs
1 purple tang
1 flame angel
2 clowns
1 panther grouper
1 clown trigger
1 long nose butterfly
1 red hawkfish

Congrats on the tank. I don't know if I'll get it on Discovery up here in Canada but I'll check for sure.
Whoever planned your tank didn't check for compatability before putting it together. There are several different fish there that should not be housed together for various reasons.
Expect to see all your damsels and clowns to be eaten. It's just a matter of time...the grouper or the trigger will get them. As the grouper grows, every fish that can fit in it's mouth is fair game for his supper.



Originally posted by Azonic
Whoever planned your tank didn't check for compatability before putting it together. There are several different fish there that should not be housed together for various reasons.
Expect to see all your damsels and clowns to be eaten. It's just a matter of time...the grouper or the trigger will get them. As the grouper grows, every fish that can fit in it's mouth is fair game for his supper.

The fish guy knows this--he told me that we'd have to take out the trigger and the grouper as they got bigger. The trigger is about 4" and the grouper 5" now. I'm sorry that I started with them, though, because now they are my favorites and I'll be sad to see them go. Especially my panther--he has so much personality. If I don't feed krill, he will just look at me with big fishy eyes until I'm guilted back into the kitchen for more food.


Definitely gonna watch this. Did it cost anything at all for them to put in the 250 gal?


i wish i could watch but dont know when they will show it in Turkey :confused:
whats the exact name of it? "Monster House Under the Sea"?