DIY Live Rocks


To all those who have done this, please help.
I made a batch the other night using the formula
1cup water
1cup quikcrete portland type I
5cup oyster shell
I pulled them out today and the broke off easily and I didnt like the shape at all. If anyone has any ideas please let me know


Active Member
lower your ratio of portland cement to shell. I found that a 1:4 ratio (1 cup cement to 4 cups shells) makes a good, porous rock....but a little weaker. A 1:3 ratio is a lot stronger, but not as porous. If you want to get fancy, a 2:7 ratio is the best of both worlds!
Also, let it sit in the mold for it least 3 days to set up nice and firm, else it definately will break apart right away.


Active Member
I have made a few batches using
2 cups oyster shells
1 cup crushed coral
2 cups type 1/2 portland cement
enough water to make it like cottage cheese
let sit in damp mold for 1 day ( it's 100+ degrees so in winter I would do longer )
soaked it in huge tub of fresh water changed every other day for 6 weeks
soaking it now in saltwater from water changes and I'll check the PH in a few days.


well i just got done with the second batch and already i am much happier with the shape and everything. i used 1cup cement, 1cup water and 4 cups oysters and i realy got a nice shape in the sand. they are sitting in the sand hardening now


well i pulled the second batch out today and the outer edges kinda started breaking off. I was very happy with the shape and i cant tell the texture right now(coverd in sand). as i type this i am running water in a bucket to cure them. I will get back on the texture and maybe some pics


i have some bad news for you.. quikrete is no good..
believe me i've been down that road... it will crumble!


Where can i find the pure portland or whateve will work? the home depot i went to only had quikcrete portland. they didnt have anything else.


yes I know.. and it is not much use in trying the other h/d's either... they just carry the quikrete junk...
your best bet is checking the yellow pages... I was lucky enough to have a place right near me that actually makes concrete.. so i got myself the good stuff after my troubles with quikrete... if you still cannot find any let me know


Active Member
I just saw a 90 lbs bag of Portland cement at LOWES last weekend. It wasn't quickcrete, through in the same area of the 100's of different types of quickcrete. This was a lowes in Edwardsville, IL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shiby1510
i have some bad news for you.. quikrete is no good..
believe me i've been down that road... it will crumble!
Quikrete is a BRAND, portland is a TYPE of mix. If you look at the specs of their portland mix it will be the same as any other portland mix.
The rocks I made with my Quikrete portland mix are holding up fine. Just have to play with the ratios a bit. Made one batch that totally fell apart, one batch was so solid that they are garden rocks now, and the rest are in a growout tank or curing as we speak!


Active Member

Originally Posted by shiby1510
actually quikrete... is not like real cement.. it is already mixed with sand and other stuff.. :yes:
A standard Quikrete bag....yes. You can buy Quikrete Portland cement that does not have sand, rocks, etc in it. If the bag says "Portland Cement" on it, it complies to federal regulations (and ASTM C 150) for ANY
portland cement. In other words, does not have any "sand and other stuff" in it. It will be the same as any other brand of portland cement you find.
It is harder to find, but better for rocks is the portland type II mix. The type I will do if that is all you have available. Type II takes longer to cure, but will stand up to a greater range of environments (water, salt, temp, UV, ect)


Yeah.. I used quikrete portland I the first few times and it just wasn't working for me.. so i got some good portland I/II and it worked much better... and now I have a ton of it.. ashame that you don't use a lot.. due to the ratios.. :yes:


I made my third batch just now and i used the formula 2cups cement, 4cups shells, 1cup waterand i will wait till next wednesday to pull them out and put them in the bucket. I'm really startin to get the hang of designing the rocks tho.


2:4 ratio is not right... atleast not to me.. it should be 1:3 if you want strong and 1:4 or more... experiment there if you want more pourous


This probably won't be my last mistake but you think that was too much cement and too little shells? My other formula of 1:4 broke off way to easily