DIY Live Rocks


Active Member
so a quetsion about seeding the rock, can i just put a couple great pieces of lr in there with them...and of course the saltwater....but do i have to have lights?? i dont really have any lights to put over it and i dont think i really want to spend 100+ dollars for it...


Active Member
I wouldn't do anthing to the DYI rock until it's cured and ready to be placed in your tank or sump. At that point, you really don't need light for the bacteria to start growing, just a couple LR's to seed with. However, for coraline algae to start growing, you're going to need some kind of light. It's been my experience coraline will grow under almost any light. My plan is to put the DYI rock in a new tank I've purchased when it's ready and bring over a couple pieces of LR from my other tank. I would think the temperature would need to be regulated as well if you're planning to start seeding the new DYI rock. Throw a couple pieces of PVC in the tank while you're trying to seed it for coraline. For some reason, coraline will start growing on that first. Many folks have suggested using a toothbrush on your LR to release the spores. I have done this before, so I would agree with this. Unfortunately I had some Aiptasia and it also spawned a whole new outbreak.


Active Member
yea, of course wait till its done curing...just didnt know about once it is ready...all i have is a 10gallon set up right now....i suppose i could start my 75 gallon that is empty, it will be saltwater in the future, i think....but i dont have any room for it but in the garage....and the only light i would have is a 20W...sooo.... :thinking: i dont know


Active Member
I may regret saying this here as many may disagree, but I can provide pictures.
I have a 50 gal grow out for Xenia and mushrooms. There is a 500 watt Halogen work light from Wal-Mart over it ($8.00) and have tons of Coralline (plus hair which my sailfin loves when I hang it over the tank edge) directly over the Xenias and a 30 gal Trash Can Rubbermaid with a 125W (bulb $6 HD) grow light and coralline in there and a 10 gal with a 18w (wal-mart about $25 ) grow light some in there. They are all tied to the same sump as the 75 gal tank and is the source. So it won't take $100's. The important item is the bateria and that doesn't require a light at all. Will need to move the water through the tank or rubbermaid.


Active Member
so basically youre saying any light will work at this stage?? and a grow light??which is?
itd make it a lot nicer if i could justusesomething light that,thats for sure.
Luke P


Active Member
all that is needed for your grow out tanks is a basic 24" normal output double strip shop light from HD. They are 6 bucks for the 24 inch dual lamp models with refletor type hood. Then place an actinic and 10k bulb for about 9 bucks each at most LFS.
i dont think you should put any less then 10k on the gorw out tank for the main reason of why start unwanted algea on your rock?? the light mentioned in the above post WILL work but they have a few down sides to them.
The set up i mentioned above will cost ya 30 bucks and works perfect and will give great coraline growth. heck even polyps and shrooms can grow under it.
to bad you dont live close i have several of these set ups that i'm not using i would let ya use.


Active Member
something ive been wanting to hear since the start of this hobby, seems hardly anyone lives around here, poor indiana. lol so i need a light stripe from menards or HD or lowes, then get some bulbs from petsmart or whatever lfs, no less than 10k, one atinic and reg....i get so confused with all the equipment part of saltwater. and a 24in would be fine for the aquarium, or tub, whichever i use? then i should just put on my heater and filter, and thats it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
something ive been wanting to hear since the start of this hobby, seems hardly anyone lives around here, poor indiana. lol so i need a light stripe from menards or HD or lowes, then get some bulbs from petsmart or whatever lfs, no less than 10k, one atinic and reg....i get so confused with all the equipment part of saltwater. and a 24in would be fine for the aquarium, or tub, whichever i use? then i should just put on my heater and filter, and thats it?
i dont use a heater otehr then that yes


Active Member
ok, well i did some lookin while at menards tonight....i found a 48" titanium hood for 15$i believe it was...or a 24" stainless steel....didnt know which would be better, the stainless was 12 i think....does it matter that much? besides the fact that the bulbs are longer and will cost more?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
ok, well i did some lookin while at menards tonight....i found a 48" titanium hood for 15$i believe it was...or a 24" stainless steel....didnt know which would be better, the stainless was 12 i think....does it matter that much? besides the fact that the bulbs are longer and will cost more?

you are thinking to far into it. you need a BASIC light with one actinic and one 10K thats.
as long as your not looking at one made out of cardboard you will be ok.
if you are looking at putting a light over your tank for years then i would say to sure to get one that will stand up good to the salt but in this case its just a grow out tank and chances are after you finish your rocks you'll never use it again anyhow.
if it was me i would be a stainless one and be done with it


New Member
I'm planning on giving some diy rocks a try, but I can't find any place that sells crushed oyster shells here over in northern nj. Can I use crushed corals? Any other good substitutes?


Active Member
if you look at the first pics of rock i made, that was crushed coral...after the couple months of curing i think i really like the rocks look and what not...thats my opinion. but if you read the last couple pages, as you can see, you dont even need either if you dont want it.


Active Member
I used Crushed Coral as well...mostly because I had a couple buckets of it left from switching my tank to a sand bed...
Finely found "some" use for it...


I have made about 40 to 60 lbs of rock with these methods and I think it is great. I am about to cycle a tank and was wondering if I should just cure the DIY rock in my tank as it cycles or will the pH spike mess with the cycle?


Active Member
DO NOT CURE DIY ROCK IN THE DISPLAY TANK OR ANYTHONG THAT WILL BE PART OF THE TANK!!! this rock curing is different from that new tank cycling/cureing!!! rock curing.. you are ridding of bad chemicals from the cement out via leeching it out into water.. tank cureing is building bacteria via breakdown of wast in a water colum...


Thanks for your response! I understand the differences in the process between cycling your tank and curing the cement. What I was asking is whether the cement curing will release toxins that will damage your aquarium/biosystem permanently or whether those chemicals will dissipate within the cycling time. I guess I know where you stand. lol
Anyone else? I have read that oceana has added uncured cement to his tank and has had no problems. I understand that this is not recommended. Anyone know why?


Active Member
ohh ok.. well i highly dont recament curing this rock in your main tank.. why u may ask?? well what do we use to clean our tank befor we start it up??? WATER... and maybe a little vinegar or bleach.. but thats it... how are you to rid of them chemicals frim the rock or anything els out of the main tank with only water ??? kinda hard to clean aint it.. when you limited on cleaning agents..