DIY Live Rocks


Bronco when you put your pieces in the water to finish curing do you get alot of sand and pieces that break off? Mine does and i think that i might try to use this sand and junk in a mixture. i think i will try this 2:1:1 (shells, junk, cement) i wont do this till later tonight but if anyone has a reason why this wont work let me know


Active Member
this is being made WAY to complicated.
you NEED
SAND and PORTLAND CEMENT thats it . no special formulas not magic spells. mix em till they are moldable and let it dry in the sand the end.


Active Member
no, i havent had a problem with any pieces breaking off, some sand...but nothing big...
oceana, your rocks are did you make them again?? just portland cement and water?? i just think the pasta thing is fun to do, lets ya get creative, maybe too much if you have a way to just mix the cement and mold how do you make yours???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
no, i havent had a problem with any pieces breaking off, some sand...but nothing big...
oceana, your rocks are did you make them again?? just portland cement and water?? i just think the pasta thing is fun to do, lets ya get creative, maybe too much if you have a way to just mix the cement and mold how do you make yours???
with nothing more then stated above. portland cement and sand
mix it up till i felt it was like paste and started sculping.i wish i had pick of the back of the rocks and more angles befor all the corals were on them. there are holes and ledges built into the back ,fronts and sides of all the rocks. We made holes to stick feather dusters in and planed spots for corals we knew we wanted. let it all cure in big containers for about 6 weeks and tossed it in. never have had a problem and as your can see corals and life takes to it like a magnet. here is a pick of a hole we made in hopes a sand sifter of goby would make his home. and as you can see it worked. a toad stool also made itself at home in it as well


Active Member
that is awesome! i love your rocks, i think i have to try this too! lol...what kind of sand did you use? then just mix it with cement and water and presto...whew, so easy...did you have to set it in any mold, i could really tell if you had one in your pics...sorry to pester, but i love the look you have, and it would be great to be able to mold your own rocks, and they seem to be doing great.
and did you find your little fishy friend online somewhere? i have been wanting one of those, i think they look great :joy: thanks!!


I'm definatly going to try this next week! After you make it, do you have to let it cure before you put it in an exhisting tank, or can it cure in the tank? is there anything in it that could kill the livestock if you dont cure it first? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
that is awesome! i love your rocks, i think i have to try this too! lol...what kind of sand did you use? then just mix it with cement and water and presto...whew, so easy...did you have to set it in any mold, i could really tell if you had one in your pics...sorry to pester, but i love the look you have, and it would be great to be able to mold your own rocks, and they seem to be doing great.
and did you find your little fishy friend online somewhere? i have been wanting one of those, i think they look great :joy: thanks!!

i use two kindsof sand. regular playsand and reef sand.
when making the first rocks i was really paranoid and used only reef sand, but then after a few years i tried play sand. the only thing i do different is with the play sand i let it cure for 8 or more weeks. i cure my rocks by placing them in a large container of fresh water and i change out the water twice a week for the first 3 weeks and then once a week after that. in the final weeks i take the water that i get from doing the water changes on our tanks and use that to help seed it. we also begin lighting the rocks as well to start the coralline growing.
as for mold no i never used a mold before. if you look if the first picks you can see that i take a container and fill it with sand. i wet the sand and mold out what i want then poor the portland/sand mix into it. i then pack sand on top of it. and mold more cement over the top of that in the form i want. then in the second pic you can see i brushed away all the sand and then packed it on again to do the 3rd level.. kinda hard to explain but there is NOTHING complicated. its very basic. to make hole you do the same thing but we make a tunnel in the sand first. i have the added bonus that my wife is an artist and does sculpting so she has the abbility to mold great shapes. another trick we have is if you look at our 6th pick you will see what looks like coraline. that is nothing more then white portalnd cement and dark purple Ritz clothing dye.we use white portland because it takes the color better. we make the rocks out of the normal portland and then mix up small batches of white. we add dye to the white until it matches the coraline color we are looking for. then we put it on the rocks we made in patches to give it a more natural look until the real coraline starts to grow. an odd observation we made is that the real coralline grew first on the dyed parts of the rock. we also noticed that the coralline grew much faster on the home made rock then it did the natural rock.


Active Member
hahahahaha, nothing complicated about it, YET i am sooo confused!
:scared: so you put three layers of rock on top of each other...first you put in just normal sand, wet it down, like us...then you make a mold in the mix sand(play and reef), water, and portland cement...mix it till it is a moldable mixture...the you pour the mixture into the mold the top of the rock with your hands however ya want it?? then top more sand on that, mold that sand..pour cement, mold cement, add that right?? i guess i'm just confused because you have such awesome rocks with holes, ledges...and just seems so amazing impossible, lol HOWWWW, tell meeeeeee :joy: or well, how big are your rocks?? maybe i just need to make bigger rocks, then it wouldnt be so hard to make all those levels...for the holes...did you just pur the cement around a mound of sand? thanks for you helppppp

Luke P


Active Member
the main thing is using the sand as the hold. in the first pic you see the sand packed onto some cement. You have to think of everything in steps. if your want a ledge you build up the sand under it and make it as big as your want. then once it drys your brush away the sand and your left with the ledge. every place you put sand= a hole. like you said its harder to explain then it is to do. i am transfering my reef into a new tank this weekend but if i have time maybe i can make a new rock and take pic of every little step.
the size of the rocks are big. the smallest is about 8 inches accross.


Active Member
maybe this will clear some confusion up for me...when you make your you make them from the bottom up....or from the back to the front? and in pic nmber one, which part is the sand? the dark, or the light stuff? maybe it would be a bit easier to build it from the bottom up...i have no clue...i'm sur ei'm making this too difficult, lol I guess i'll just have to experiement until you could maybe get some step by step pictures. Do you have a receipe for the mixture? how much sand, cement and water together? or can it be whatever I want? Oh, and did you use anything for your molding sand too? thanks! such adventures


Active Member
from bottom up . the light "sand color stuff" is the sand. the grey is the cement.
pick one and two are the SAME step one with the sand and one without it.
nothing in the sand but water and the container you see in the pics. we also have used foam and carved it out to be the shape we want. line it with plastic and pour your cement into that to get your base. build up from that. we find that to me trouble then its worth and in most cases just free hand it.
when we mix the sand and cement we do it until its like a paste. moldable but not dry. to wet and its runny which wont work


Active Member
ok, i think that helps me understand quite a bit more...because i am usually making for side to side, so it blew my mind how to make so many ledges in a sand mold. lol
But anyways, i'll have to get some reef sand so i can mix it with my play sand and cement and start creating these rocks as well, thanks oceana!
Luke P


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
ok, i think that helps me understand quite a bit more...because i am usually making for side to side, so it blew my mind how to make so many ledges in a sand mold. lol
But anyways, i'll have to get some reef sand so i can mix it with my play sand and cement and start creating these rocks as well, thanks oceana!
Luke P

just a side note. we dont use both sands at once. just one or the other. many people fear using playsand i just wanted to show that it has had no ill effect if cured properly


New Member
I'm pretty sure I did the mixtures wrong.
7 cups of Calcium Carbonate (crushed oyster shells)
2 cups of Portland Type I Cement
approx 2 cups of water (till it was like oatmeal/cottage cheese)
I mixed the crud together in a 5 gallon pale with my paint mixer. I think there was too much water, so I poured about 12 ounces off the top. I scooped the mixture into my mold with the splatchula. It felt and looked like wet sand. It's been curing and covered in my garage for 2 days, still there. Did I goof?
You guys are awesome.


Active Member
Great looking rocks oceana!!!
May try your method for some nano rocks. Could I borrow your creative, artistic help me with the molds?? :hilarious
The only problem I have with it is that the rocks are pretty solid. The rocks I make with the curshed oysters, water will actually flow through them. That makes lots of little spaces for pods, bacteria, ect to live protected and help the tank ecosystem out.
So, the tradeoff is simple recipe and solid structure for porous rock and slightly more complicated mixing.


Active Member
nope not solid. we use things to poke holes everywhere in the rocks. we also make air pocket in the back of some of the rocks to place things like powerheads out of site.. some of our rocks even have air line tubing run inside them to specific spots so that we can spot feed things like clams and other filter feeding corals.


so after you make them you need to cure them in freshwater? do you need to put a power head in the container you put them in to cure in or anything else. is a plastic tote good to cure in? How many weeks to cure?