DIY refugium???


Well you can buy the rio 800 vt, so the syphon doesnt break, but that costs like 20$. Its just cheaper and better too get other brands.


Active Member
do you have personal experience with a cpr overflow breaking its syphon? it appears to be the same design as the life reefs that i looked at. also what is this product that was mentioned from rio that prevents an overflow from breaking syphon?
under the tank wont flood your house, if you are ready for it. Use a siphon break. In your return line, just above the water, drill a small hole. Thats what i did. when the power goes out, the hole will suck air and break the siphon.
I never really liked the look of over the tank fuges, but thats just me.


Active Member
CPR's use a j-tube siphon tube while other more reliable ones use a u-tube design. Yes siphon breaks are a must for hang on overflows and such. I would drill two hole just in case a snail or something decides to hang out on one of the holes.


Active Member
the overflow i bought doesn't have any tubes, except for the one in the back that supplies the water to the sump. i'll attach a picture of it, or at least try.