DIY Tank Stand - Need Help


I just built a custom stand for my new 125 Oceanic Tank. I looked on this board and came up with a plan...My frame is built out of 2x4s and 2x6s. The top frame is made out of 2x6s stripped by a table saw down to 2x5 so that it would be perfectly straight. There is also 1in x5in finishwood on on the top screwed and glued down. Everything is screwed by deck nails and liquid nails. I just filled the tank up 1/2 to make sure everything is ok. There is one problem. There is a lil gap about 1/32in from the tank stand and the bottom of the fish tank (oceanics cherry plastic frame). It is perfectly flush at the ends but in the front middle there is that lil gap of 1/32in. Maybe it is just the way the plastic frame was glued to the tank? Everything is perfectly level. I need help. Is this a problem or do you guys feel it will find itself filled all the way up? Please help.....suggestions needed and appreciated.
Here is a pic of tank and stand.


Active Member
yup put 1/2" high density foam board under the tank it will level out any unevenness in the tank and help aleviate any pressure created from the ridges


sorry to be such a pain but I know I posted this on easter weekend and maybe not many people saw it......could anyone please help me out......Ive had the tank 1/2 filled for 2 days now and it looks like the tank is almost sitting perfectly just a 1/32inch gap in a lil part of the front of the tank.


Active Member
if i were u i wouldnt take a chance with a lil gap cuz all that weight could do damage and u dont want to get it all set up and then have it break
is there a reason u dont wanna add a sheet of high density foam under it?
u could probably get away with a 1/4" sheet anything would help aleviate any pressure point that the uneveness may cause


nope no reason does the foam really give it that much support...when I think of foam, I think it weightless and wouldnt add any support.....can I get the foam at like lowes or homedepot...and should I just glue foam down


Active Member
exactly go to home depot its in the insulation area of the store and they are 8x4 sheets they are cheap and its not any ordinaryl foam its high density this stuff has a tone of support and strength thats what most people put under there bigger tanks to insure its properly set with no pressure points from an uneven surface...
i put 3/4" under my 180 and its not even compressed like 1/8th of an inch but it alleviated any stress on the bottom panel


Active Member
if u look closely u can see it under my tank where i have the one panel removed the blue tape was holding it in place but i would glue it down if i were u


would i put the foam board underneath my whole tank on top of my existing cabinet? I didnt know many people did this but it really sounds like a good idea


Active Member
yeah just cover the whole area the tanks sitting on so mines a piece thats 6'x2' so it sits under the entire bottom of my tank to give it a nice firm yet forgiving surface to sit upon


will this high density foam be affected by water and if so is there any way to protect it. I polyurenthaned the whole stand to protect it from water so I would like to have the foam protected also if need be?


Active Member
Nope the foam is impervious to saltwater and will make up for any irregularities in the surface of the stand, its always a good idea to protect your wood with a few coats of polyurathane or spar urethane , just like you would a wooden boat. Water will eventually get on your stand.