Do detrivores in the fuge really make it up to the display through the pump?


Active Member
Because I've heard pods and things like that do. However, I'm wondering if it's not just better to transfer some fuge sand into the display. Chock full 'o critters. :cool:

bang guy

I've run two experiments on this with the same results, once with an Iwaki WMD40RLT and once with an MD55RLT. These pumps are pressure rated and had 10 feet of head - pretty much the worst case for pod survival. 95%+ of the pods make it to my display uninjured. The most likely to suffer damage were the larger Amphipods. Even delicate baby brine shrimp made the trip most of the time.
Powerheads... well.. that's a different story.


Active Member
Wow... no kidding. Well I may need to do both. Cause recently... ;) I've noticed a huge bloom in my fuge. Little bugs running around, some worms, and big fat pods too. So, soon, I am going to need to put some in the display to go to work there. Enough that the fish won't eat em all too. :cool:


Active Member
That's what I thought, but I have no experience in this department which is why I asked.
Small... and have good timing. :D