I have a sebae in my 30 hex, under 2 65W Coralite's, it was totally white with the purple tips when I got it, it is now coloring up, getting rose colored, eat's very good, hasn't moved from where I put it. I've had it about 4 weeks now, and I would guess that almost all of its tenicles have the algae coming back in them. It is really looking very good. It is on the bottom with its foot in the rocks. ( I check my water at least everyother day with 10% weekly water changes)
I have another one in my 55 with 325 W pc, it on the other hand doesn't like the light, I shade it for part of the day. It wasn't in the best of shape when I got it tho. I don't think it liked the LFS tank it was in. I'm hoping that it will come around. But it is still very bleached out. Eats good, but no color coming in yet. It is about half way up in the rocks. I've had it for about 6 weeks.
So the one with less Wattage is doing better then the one with more.