Do I have enough light.


Do i have enough light for a anemone? I have a 29 gallon tank with two 65 watt pcs on it. Currently I have star polps, mushrooms, and xenia.


I disagree I think it will be enough for what you have in there but you might have some tuble keeping the anemine in one spot. the softies I had in my 29gl under 2x65w PC's were happy and grew fairlly fast.


growing softies and keeping an anemone is not even close to being the same. Do you have enough light to keep it alive for a while? yes,maybe. but not enough to keep alive and thriving.thats the goal, right? also they are very sensitive to changing water conditions, which it is very hard to keep a 29 stable. can it be done? yes. with long term success? no.


if you at least doubled the amount of pc light, or maybe did away with pc and add a 150w MH and a sump or fuge your success rate would be much higher. If you have any other questions I will help ya out.


Originally Posted by crf230
Do i have enough light for a anemone? I have a 29 gallon tank with two 65 watt pcs on it. Currently I have star polps, mushrooms, and xenia.

Depending on the type of anemone it is recomended to have at least 8 watts per gallon. You have only 4.5. Also the comment about the water being stable is very important, anemones are extremely sensitive to not only changes in water quality but in almost anything but Ideal water quality. You may also want to consider what the effect of buying a wild caught anemone has on its local environment. Clown fish and some other species depend on this creature to survive and there are few species that are really abundant. There are alot of other corals that look like them but are much easier to keep and clown fish like to host lots of other types of coral. good luck but I would recomend you do some more research in books and online about this.


How can you even fit more than two 65 watt PCs above a 29 gallon? I've got a 54 corner unit and I'm struggling with this same issue. Could I add a MH and retrofit it? No room!


Thanks for all the information! I'm running the tank on a fluval 304 and this week I am changeing it to a amiracle wet dry. How many gph should I run? thanks for the help.


I have a sebae in my 30 hex, under 2 65W Coralite's, it was totally white with the purple tips when I got it, it is now coloring up, getting rose colored, eat's very good, hasn't moved from where I put it. I've had it about 4 weeks now, and I would guess that almost all of its tenicles have the algae coming back in them. It is really looking very good. It is on the bottom with its foot in the rocks. ( I check my water at least everyother day with 10% weekly water changes)
I have another one in my 55 with 325 W pc, it on the other hand doesn't like the light, I shade it for part of the day. It wasn't in the best of shape when I got it tho. I don't think it liked the LFS tank it was in. I'm hoping that it will come around. But it is still very bleached out. Eats good, but no color coming in yet. It is about half way up in the rocks. I've had it for about 6 weeks.
So the one with less Wattage is doing better then the one with more.


Originally Posted by H2OENGR
How can you even fit more than two 65 watt PCs above a 29 gallon? I've got a 54 corner unit and I'm struggling with this same issue. Could I add a MH and retrofit it? No room!

yes, you could retrofit a MH for your corner. just depends on what kind of canopy you are using.


Originally Posted by crf230
Thanks for all the information! I'm running the tank on a fluval 304 and this week I am changeing it to a amiracle wet dry. How many gph should I run? thanks for the help.
if you are talking current in the tank, depending on your rockwork shoot for between 400 and 800 gph.