Do I have room for more fish?


We have a 37 gallon, 30 lbs LR, live sand a bunch of scarlet, blue leg and alge hermits, some snails, an emerald crab (a freebie who hitched a ride in the hole of a new LR purchase!)and 2 feather dusters
For fish we have 2 common clowns, 3 masked goby's and a pygmy angel.
Can we add anymore fish? and if yes any suggestions for a fish that enjoys swimming in and out of rocks like our angel


Active Member
sorry, but i would not even have that many personally, so i would hafta reccomend you not get anymore


Thanks fshhub
We were going by the recommendation of our lfs. She seems very knowlegeable and said we could put one more small fish in.


Active Member
ya know, i hafta admit it, i may be wrong, here, i was thinking the masked gobies get 3 inches, but i cannot find anythingon them, do you have any idea how big they actually get, i cna find lots of info, except their size, and i even tried to look under their scientific name too
in any case, the 2 clowns and angel get 9 inches, add the gobies, and you have their inches, i would not exceed 1 inch per 2 gallons, one per 5 is the norm, but this can be pushed a little, especialllly with smaller species that are more docile and provide a lighter load, like th gobies


Hi Fshhub
My info claims masked gobies get no bigger than 1 inch each. We got three thinking it would equal one 3 inch fish and be fun to see if they school.
I guess that would let us get another small fish.
Any suggestions for something bright colored? do inverts (e.g. starfish) add into the picture????
Thanks mucho for the info!!!! :D


Cheryl Were do you get your fish from what are some good stores you go to. I know of a few that are real good but it is a drive.


Hi give me fish
First and Foremost.........awesome sounding TANK!
My kids (and I) would die to see all that!
Anyway...We get our stuff from a place called Coral Reef in Seekonk, MA (not too far of a drive for us fortunately). It looks like a little hole in the wall but her fish, LR, etc have always been awesome (along with her knowledge base). They have a website (
There is another store in Providence, RI called Aqua Life. They always have a nice stock of stuff but they aren't as friendly as I would like.
Hope this is helpful. :)


Cheryl I have been to coral reef very nice people there and they have good live stock but on the small side. You should try going to portsmouth N.H. i know it is a drive but you will lose your mind same with your kids. The place is called Little Shop Of Pets. If you want to go there and need directions or other places to go e-mail me at I know of a few other places also.


Baron VonKlyff:
Our tank is 5 months old. Introduced the clowns at month one, pygmy at month two and gobies at month three.
I would hate to get rid of the clowns (my kids LOVE them) Fun to watch, etc. What if I get rid of the gobies (should be interesting catching them!!)
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


A pearly jawfish is beautiful, small and fun to watch. They pick up sand and small rocks in their mouth and then spit them out.


Active Member
sorry about that cheryl, i was thinking of hte false perculas, not hte percuals, they get 4 inches and the true percs only 3
but anyway, baron is right and you are aboutthere on limits, some people think that gobies are factored differently, bu ti think they should still be factored in,and your inverts really don't need any consideration in bio load, they put such a small strain on it that you can't even measure it(if any)
if you want to trade something, i owuld trade the gobies and get gramma too, or a bengaii(i'd opt for hte gramma on color)


If you were wanting a colorful fish thats loves to just sail around the tank, weaving in and out of the rock work look into a Six Line Wrasse. These are awesome little fish that are very hardy, active and colorful, best of all they will stay small and not over load your tank.
Good Luck!


Thanks for all the help.
I looked at a pic of the six line wrasse...a beauty. OUr pygmy angel loves to dart in and out of the rock. DO you think she /he will be territorial if we introduce a wrasse that also likes to dart in and out of rocks?
The grammas are also nice looking
Wish us luck getting THREE little gobies from the tank!!!
I'm always open to fish suggestions!
i don't know how close you are to Fall River Mass but i think they have a few good stores one is called the hidden reef and the other im not sure what it is called but it is on plymoth ave off of like 2nd .. not too sure on the addy anymore its been a year since i lived there but both are quite good :)


They should get along fine. My wrasse doesn't have a problem with any of my other fish. He does however dislike other sixlines (believe me I tried, not a good idea) Other than that he will inspect new tank mates but other than that they are extremely cool little fish.


I have also kept royal grammas which are very colorful but they are also very timid and disease pron. They will spend most of the day hiding behind rocks or in little caves. Good fish for your tank but you will probably like the six line wrasse better if you want a fish to be on display most of the time.


i would not add any more fish. if you removed the gobies then maybe 1 more. but not wihout the removal of the gobies.
jawfish are really cool, they get to be 4 inches. so . . . . .