I recently had family/friends over for christmas, and someone that has no idea what the words, protein skimmer, and/or calcium reactor etc. means said the comment, eww your tank looks like a "bait" tank are you supposed to have that many fish. This is coming from someone that doesn't deal with fish tanks or anything like. It got me thinking, maybe i do have to many fish, what do you think?
Foxface Lo
Purple Queen Anthias
Scopas Tang
3 Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blenny
Scooter Dragonet
Mandarin Dragonet
Gold-Striped Maroon
Foxface Lo
Purple Queen Anthias
Scopas Tang
3 Green Chromis
Lawnmower Blenny
Scooter Dragonet
Mandarin Dragonet
Gold-Striped Maroon