Do I need a refugium for a mandarin goby


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397665/do-i-need-a-refugium-for-a-mandarin-goby/20#post_3545976
Will there be any other fish in the tank?
I have a 56G FOWLR, with 1 PJ Cardinal, and 2 Red Firefish. I plan to get 2 clownfish and hopefully one day a mandarin. I was just curious as to the potential ability to ensure that the mandarin gets enough food as if I cannot support their life properly, then i shouldnt get the fish in the first place, that would just be cruel to do to a fish. Larvae require a lot more effort to raise, so i dont feel so bad if they get eaten up, as I likely would not have the skills to raise them if I wanted to.

bang guy

Ahhh OK. Clownfish larvae aren't going to survive even 5 minutes with those fish in the tank. The larvae will be excellent nutrition for them though.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397665/do-i-need-a-refugium-for-a-mandarin-goby/20#post_3545982
Ahhh OK. Clownfish larvae aren't going to survive even 5 minutes with those fish in the tank. The larvae will be excellent nutrition for them though.
Interesting. I didnt expect that the larvae wouldnt be able to survive even 5 minutes. I thought an hour or two, but i guess the livestock will feed on them pretty quickly.

So would the clownfish spawning fry even make a nutritional difference if they dont last more than 5 minutes? I guess if anything it sounds like it just might be a treat for the fish to have. Will a clownfish eat it's own spawn?

bang guy

Yes, it will be a treat for those fish. A Clownfish will eat it's own larvae but they, like Dragonets, don't usually hunt at night.