Do I need a refugium for a mandarin goby


Hello! I was planing on getting a mandarin goby not now but in like 6 months to a year. Just wondering if I need a refugium. Most places say it's recommended but they look kind of complicated.


I don't think I need a sump tho, it could help but I don't think its that necessary. All it does is increase water volume and let you hide equipment in it. I need a refugium tho for copepod numbers to increase and so the mandarin doesn't get all the copepods at once. How about a hang on back refugium? It seems simpler and cheaper. Or is a regular one better?


Well-Known Member

Mandarins are not hard to care for at all, I'm sorry if you feel discouraged. There are in sump refugiums, and CPR makes an in-tank one, large and small... I have one and it works great. You can also have another small tank that can be converted into a refugium.

I personally do think a refugium is needed to keep one, because they deplete the pods so quickly otherwise and run out of food. Some folks managed to teach theirs to eat frozen foods, but I wouldn't count on it as a way to keep one.


Well-Known Member
I had one for 2 years, until a heater failure chilled the tank to 55 degrees
. It was from ORA, and was supposed to eat frozen foods, but didn't (a common problem with the ORA-derived mandarins). Fortunately, I was a video of the ORA juveniles diving into a pile of prawn eggs, so I tried that and was eventually successful. But I never could convert her to other frozen foods.


Well-Known Member
You made it so easy for me w your advice on the roe. I start them on that and honestly they fig out to eat mysis and brine on there own it seems. I realized it about a yr ago. I would always just feed roe, but then while feeding my other fish, saw the mandy and scooter blennys swimming up off the bottom picking off shrimp! Now its there main food w roe as a treat.


Mandarins are not hard to care for at all, I'm sorry if you feel discouraged. There are in sump refugiums, and CPR makes an in-tank one, large and small... I have one and it works great. You can also have another small tank that can be converted into a refugium.
I personally do think a refugium is needed to keep one, because they deplete the pods so quickly otherwise and run out of food. Some folks managed to teach theirs to eat frozen foods, but I wouldn't count on it as a way to keep one.
I know, I was planning on getting an HOB refugium but I don't know if they can sustain pod populations. Buying pods is a little too expensive, more expensive than the fish. I not sure if I can train it, or if I should take the risk and get it. What do u think? I know I need a developed tank and I wasn't planning on getting it for a long time. My tank is only 3 weeks old and I hav plenty of time to think.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397665/do-i-need-a-refugium-for-a-mandarin-goby#post_3545352
I know, I was planning on getting an HOB refugium but I don't know if they can sustain pod populations. Buying pods is a little too expensive, more expensive than the fish. I not sure if I can train it, or if I should take the risk and get it. What do u think? I know I need a developed tank and I wasn't planning on getting it for a long time. My tank is only 3 weeks old and I hav plenty of time to think.


Pods don't need much room to really breed, the HOB refugium would have plenty of pods for a mandarin. If you wait the year out, and seed the refugium once, your tank will have more then enough for all the pod nibblers, since fish love them too... The adults will stay protected breeding away in the refugium, while the smaller ones get washed out into the tank to fend for shelter in the live rock, where the mandarin and other fish will hunt them down for food. Also many in the rocks will elude the fish and breed as well.


Ok, thx! Then I will get a mandarin. Plus it'll be the only fish in the tank that will hunt pods. It would still help if it eats frozen. Then I can get it sooner.


Well-Known Member
It isn't difficult to raise your own pods. Google it - you can do it in a 3 liter Coke bottle.


I have a broken filter that was in my 60 gallon before. So I took out the motor and I'm trying to attach it to one of those things at fish stores where they put water and the fish in to pour it into a bag, the clear plastic ones, because HOB refugiums online are really expensive. Are those big enough? Could i also try an in tank one.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DaFishDude http:///t/397665/do-i-need-a-refugium-for-a-mandarin-goby#post_3545501
I have a broken filter that was in my 60 gallon before. So I took out the motor and I'm trying to attach it to one of those things at fish stores where they put water and the fish in to pour it into a bag, the clear plastic ones, because HOB refugiums online are really expensive. Are those big enough? Could i also try an in tank one.

The in-tank ones cost about $50.00 for the big one, and $40.00 for the small one. It has holes on each side, and a tiny power head to keep flow in there. over time, because it's plastic, coralline algae will cover still works great but not as pretty as the picture shows for very long. The little cup you are talking about that fish stores use, has no way to let water flow through's too small as well.



Would a Mandarin eat fish fry? Like if I have two clownfish and they are mating once every two weeks, would the Mandarin eat those little guys readily? I would also have an in-tank refugium but I was wondering if this might be a way to make sure their is enough food in the tank, if I am able to get the clownfish to spawn regularly.