MO - One can run skimmer-less, keep a low Bio-Load, do your water changes & run carbon, if your tank has LR & LS than you have diversity. Do not under estimate the diversity in your tank, such as the food chains. It depends on the person & their experience, the stock they plan to keep and the time they can spend on their tank.
Ditto. Only I don't even have ls, and not sure what running carbon means. I think the filter has carbon, but that gets replaced like once a year....not sure if the filter on the 75gl has carbon or not.
water changes, good water movement, and low-bio load for me. And not so much on the water changes in the past...I'm better now, but I have more time (working fulltime and going to school fulltime left very little time for the tank, which is why I didn't add any fish. But I didn't lose my fish to high nitrates, a skimmer would not have prevented thier deaths (killer temp swings). Even with cc, nitrates are about 20 (currently closer to 40, but that's my doing, not because I'm not running a skimmer, though who knows, maybe a skimmer would have helped).
6 years or so, when I first came here, not everyone had skimmers, if you had a reef or a large tank yes, but now, it seem people say everyone must have a skimmer.
I bet if you put a skimmer on it, you would think differently...
Saltwater8, I would think differently about what? A low bio-load? Nope, the most I had were three fish, the most I plan on for my 75 is 3 maybe 4, not sure yet. Few fish and lots of inverts is what I like.