do my clowns hate flow?


I have a 14g nano, and its surprisingly has a really strong pump. 4 months ago i got a pair of clowns... and besides a cleaner shrimp and other inverts, they are the only fish in the tank. but they always hang out at the back of the tank, near the top, and strangely turned on their side. they LOOKED dead, but then they start hanging out swimming around but just around the back of the tank, and only when i feed them, and once they finish eating, then back to the top of the tank, turned on their side. at first i thought they were having buoyancy issues or something, but after several months of them just hanging out in the back of the tank, i gave up and thought maybe they just sleep that way or something...
anyways, tonight my pump went on the fritz, and for about an hour there was no flow at all, and then they were swimming around like they owned the place. swimming in the other 80% of the tank! but alas, i got the pump working again, and then back to the top of the tank, against the wall in the back, on their side. Could they totally be like afraid of a lot of flow? or.....
any thoughts as to why they all of the sudden they are finally acting like normal fish?


Mine hang out in the top right hand corner of the tank 90% of the they are hosting the intake u-tube to the filter...LOL...They do come out for a little while daily though....I think they just pick a spot and make it "home"


Originally Posted by JTT
I have a 14g nano, and its surprisingly has a really strong pump. 4 months ago i got a pair of clowns... and besides a cleaner shrimp and other inverts, they are the only fish in the tank. but they always hang out at the back of the tank, near the top, and strangely turned on their side. they LOOKED dead, but then they start hanging out swimming around but just around the back of the tank, and only when i feed them, and once they finish eating, then back to the top of the tank, turned on their side. at first i thought they were having buoyancy issues or something, but after several months of them just hanging out in the back of the tank, i gave up and thought maybe they just sleep that way or something...
anyways, tonight my pump went on the fritz, and for about an hour there was no flow at all, and then they were swimming around like they owned the place. swimming in the other 80% of the tank! but alas, i got the pump working again, and then back to the top of the tank, against the wall in the back, on their side. Could they totally be like afraid of a lot of flow? or.....
any thoughts as to why they all of the sudden they are finally acting like normal fish?
I've had mine for 3 weeks now and they do exactly the same thing; staying along the back upper corner. I chalk it up to them being tank raised; they're not used to live rock or fun aquaculture to hang out around. They made things like powerheads and filters their home growing up.... maybe? Just a thought.
What is the GPH of your powerhead? Also, are yours tank raised?


I have 2 cinn clowns they never done that, I did have a wild clown that did that, would eat normal and after about 4 months I found him dead.


Active Member
Ive noticed my clown doing the same thing. My clown sits in the top left corner where I leave my MAG-FLOAT. The clown lays on its side on the MAG-FLOAT when the moon lights cut on. I wouldnt worry to much about the flow being to much. I cut my powerheads and sump off when I feed my fish. When the pumps are off. The clown swims all over the tank. Id say its normal.


My clowns swim the tank with no issues with the flow. They sleep in their anemones side ways. Before the anemones were there, they slept on the rocks. you may have too much flow in the tank, and at the top is a nice calm spot. My chromis do that in my 20 gallon tank.


yeah mine are tank raised, and i know that their parents are tank raised. they are picasso clowns... do you think it has anything to do with their genetics being screwed up?


my clown has never done that but all fish are different, just like people. I have an 8g with the stock pump and another small pump. My fish loves flow.