Do pheasants make a lot of noise?

coral keeper

Active Member
I'm going to be making a Quail pen and was thinking of getting a few pheasants. Before I get a few pheasants, I want to find out if they make a lot of noise. So, do pheasants make a lot of noise?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I'm going to be making a Quail pen and was thinking of getting a few pheasants. Before I get a few pheasants, I want to find out if they make a lot of noise. So, do pheasants make a lot of noise?
Only when they die
"Click BANG!!!!"
Sounds sorta like a chicken. Almost like a cross between a chicken and a duck.


Active Member
Didn't you just bring home some quail or something and have to get rid of them?
Or maybe that was someone else.

bang guy

When you're walking through the woods and you almost step on a Golden Pheasant they make an amazing amount of noise. Enough so you may need a laundramat.
Ringnecks are a lot quieter then they take off.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
When you're walking through the woods and you almost step on a Golden Pheasant they make an amazing amount of noise. Enough so you may need a laundramat.
Ringnecks are a lot quieter then they take off.
Yeah, I've seen the Golden Pheasant online and they are VERY VERY pretty!! But pricey!! Are they really found in the wild? The Golden Pheasant? If so, where??

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Didn't you just bring home some quail or something and have to get rid of them?
Or maybe that was someone else.
Yeah, it was me. My mom threw a fit at me and my dad because we spent WAYYY too much on the cage and stuff. Me and my dad are going to build our own pen and its only going to cost about $60.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Yeah, I've seen the Golden Pheasant online and they are VERY VERY pretty!! But pricey!! Are they really found in the wild? The Golden Pheasant? If so, where??

They are not native to the US but quite a few people here are raising them and releasing them. The coyotes have all but eliminated the Ring-Necks, the Golden Pheasants seem to be able to avoid the Coyotes better.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
They are not native to the US but quite a few people here are raising them and releasing them. The coyotes have all but eliminated the Ring-Necks, the Golden Pheasants seem to be able to avoid the Coyotes better.
Sweet! I really wana get a few. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by joe____17
No invasive means they're not Native to this country.
Mirriam Webster says....
Invasive (in·va·sive)
Pronunciation: -siv, -ziv
Function: adjective
Date: 1598
1: of, relating to, or characterized by military aggression
2: tending to spread ; especially : tending to invade healthy tissue <invasive cancer cells>
3: tending to infringe
4: involving entry into the living body (as by incision or by insertion of an instrument) <invasive diagnostic techniques>
What I think you're trying to say is that they're migrants, spreading aggressively.... right?